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Do you take a cold shower in the morning to wake up your body faster?


Chipi Chipi Chapa Chapa

Feb 9, 2024
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One of the best ways to wake up in the morning is to take a cold shower because the body instantly wakes up from such a temperature drop. I have never tried this because, in my opinion, it is very unpleasant to go under cold water after a warm blanket
Oh no, I absolutely hate cold showers! I definitely need a shower in the mornings to wake me up and get my day started but I take very warm showers - I know warm showers are bad for your skin and hair but I cannot do cold showers, it's too cold in the mornings for that.
Oh no, I absolutely hate cold showers! I definitely need a shower in the mornings to wake me up and get my day started but I take very warm showers - I know warm showers are bad for your skin and hair but I cannot do cold showers, it's too cold in the mornings for that.
I understand you, but I know that in order to start doing this in the morning, you don't need to start immediately with very cold water. It is necessary to lower the water temperature every morning for 2 months, and during this time the body will not even notice how cold the water has become, and in my opinion it should not be so unpleasant
In summer, I take cold shower in the morning, however, in winter, I avoid taking cold shower. I have heard of multiple benefits of cold shower. One of the major benefits is it wakes up your body and makes you free fresh. I take warm shower in the evening to get better sleep. Warm showers are for relaxation.
I take cold shower every morning, not because I need to wake up myself but simply because I love and prefer taking cold showers compared to hot ones. Though there are some rare mornings I have taken hot showers.
Generally, I prefer to take cold showers instead of warm one, regardless of the weather for the day. It has been like that since I was young, so I'm pretty much used to it now. I can't even remember the last time I had a warm shower.
I think a cold shower would give me a heart attack!o_O I like my showers hot.
I don't personally take cold showers in the morning, as I find them quite unpleasant and difficult to get used to. However, I know some people swear by the practice as a way to jumpstart their day and energize their body and mind.I prefer to use gentler methods like splashing cool water on my face or drinking a cup of strong coffee to help me feel more awake and refreshed in the mornings.
I don't like cold water, but in the morning I wash my face to wake up, but I don't take a shower. My husband does this, but in winter it is very difficult to take a cold shower after a warm blanket
I take cold shower in the summers in the morning and evening and hot shower in the winters
When once I am up, I am good to go. There is no need for a cold shower to wake my body up. The only thing that I would rather do is to stretch myself to get the full vibe on after I wake.
I don't know that taking cold shower can awake your body so fast. I have been taking cold shower since I started bathing myself. I don't like using hot shower for my bath because I react so easily on it. The only time I can take warm shower is whenever I am sick and it's not all the time, it happens rarely.