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Do you prefer wireless headphones over wired ones?


Chipi Chipi Chapa Chapa

Feb 9, 2024
Reaction score
I have had many different models of both wired and wireless headphones, but I still mostly use the wired ones because for me they sound much better and even the cheapest ones. I have wireless headphones for $100 and wired ones for $10 and they are much better than the more expensive ones
I'm old fashioned, and cheap so I use the wired ones! 😆
I liked wired headphones. I don’t like wireless head phones.
The technology behind wireless headphone is very impressive and it's the reason why a lot of people are so much interested in making use of it but there are still a lot of old school people who are still very much interested in making use of wired headphones which I am one of them. This is because they are very realistic when using them.
I'm old fashioned, and cheap so I use the wired ones! 😆
But wired headphones aren't just about being old-fashioned. Many gamers and music lovers still choose wired headphones because they have the best sound quality and do not experience delays like wireless ones
But wired headphones aren't just about being old-fashioned. Many gamers and music lovers still choose wired headphones because they have the best sound quality and do not experience delays like wireless ones

It is only when there is a connection problem with a wireless headset that you will be experiencing delays in using it to play your video games in terms of hearing any of the audio when you are playing. As far as the connection is stable, there is no problem with making use of wireless headphones in my experience.
I prefer wired ones. Not sure why wireless is comparatively uncomfortable for me. It lacks mobility, but I am ok with it.

I have both but use wired ones when I can.
I only use wireless headphones when I am listening to music when I am out.
When I am gaming, I use wired headphones.
There is a headache factor when we use Bluetooth models. I use the low radiation ones from a good brand, but still..
I prefer the wireless ones cause they give me freedom to move or position myself the way I feel it's most comfortable.
I prefer the wireless ones cause they give me freedom to move or position myself the way I feel it's most comfortable.
This is the true advantage of wireless, but cheap models do not have a long connection distance, and therefore, if you want to go somewhere far away from the device, the connection may be interrupted
My experience with wired headphones is that they easily get damaged. No matter how careful you might be with it, something would always make the wire to lose contact and the headphone being rendered useless.
Wireless is the future and at least we are able to save ourselves from those tangling wires.
At first I love the wired headphones because I usually find them to be more comfortable, since it is the one that I use while growing up. But then as the wireless one emerged, I went with the flow and I started using it. And now I prefer it.
Wireless is the future and at least we are able to save ourselves from those tangling wires.
Very true, the worse part is when you accidentally step on it or it gets hooked to something. I have accidentally cut my earpiece times without number. I have finally switched to wireless now though.
When it comes to headphones, I vastly prefer the wireless variety over wired ones. The freedom of moving around untethered is so freeing and convenient. No more getting twisted up or yanking earbuds out accidentally.
When it comes to headphones, I vastly prefer the wireless variety over wired ones. The freedom of moving around untethered is so freeing and convenient. No more getting twisted up or yanking earbuds out accidentally.
All my wired earphones had to go through the same faith. I was always cutting them by mistake, either I step on them, or accidentally drag them while standing up, or they just hook themselves onto something while I walk.
I prefer a wired headset because I can't be bothered to charge my headset all the time. I always end up forgetting to charge the headset so I hardly use it.
I prefer wired headphones because if I leave the wireless headphones out of the case, my kids will definitely find them and start playing with them. In the best case, they simply hide one of the headphones, in the worst case, they can peck
I prefer wireless headphones over wired ones because can do so many things without being disturbed on your head