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Do you prefer to eat home cooked fritters or get these from outside?



Mar 23, 2024
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I prefer to get these prepared at home if we there is no time deadline so in case we are getting these for guests or for some function then its better to order from outside as then the quantity required will be large.
If I can do it myself, and I have the resources to do so, I would rather have it done at home than go out there to eat. Besides the fact that I don't really like eating out, cooking at home is also cheaper.
Yes when it comes to best and cheap and hygienic food then nothing can beat the home cooked food
I vastly prefer the homemade variety over ones purchased from restaurants or stores. There's just no comparison to the fresh, crispy texture and flavors of fritters fried up right in your own kitchen.
Its best if you can make these at home as this way these will be hygienic and tastes more too and inexpensive too
In my case, I do not cook. it takes time to cook. It's my sister the cook at home and sometimes we hire a cook. Sometimes, I buy food online.
I think its better to get these from outside as you need to sit with the guests but its a different case if you are aware of their arrival
I always prefer to eat home made food because of good hygiene. I believe that the eatables from vendors are not hygienic.
It's better to eat home cooked food and fritters but its tough when you have guests coming and you are not prepared so better to get fritters from outside then
This is because you don't know which oil and ingredients they use when you buy any eatable from outside. It's always good to eat home cooked food.
This is the major reason and they don't even maintain basic hygiene to keep things clean or at least clean their hands
I prefer home cooked it's safe and we can control the cooking oil, salt and spices. We need to be extra extra careful.
It's best to have home-cooked food and fritters and even for more guests it's better to prepare at home as long as we are made aware in advance
I like the food cooked at home and for fritters I like to get these from my favorite food store which is only 2 kms from my home.
it is my sister who always prepares the food I bring to work. She knows well what I like to eat during lunchtime. At dinner, I seldom eat outside, my sister prepares grilled fish for dinner and veggies salad with chili sauce, my favorite,.
I do favor home made ones but when you don't have time then its better to get these from outside and also depends upon how many guests you are expecting
I prefer to cook at home because I love cooking I will say cooking is one of my hobbies
I prefer to cook at home because I love cooking I will say cooking is one of my hobbies
It's a good thing to cook at home as it saves money and you can have hygienic food when you want.
It's fine to prepare these at home but what if you have guests and they are large in number and then you need to order these from outside as you won't be able to make fritters at home then
Fritters should only be prepared at home. I have never ordered fritters from outside and only order samosa from outside.