I have a partner, but when I lived with my parents at home, they told me that I don't snore and I'm really happy because I don't know how ashamed I would be if I snore and my partner told me about it
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People are more likely to snore when sleeping on their back, so try to sleep on your side. If the snoring is really bad causing your girlfriend to wake up, perhaps it will be a good idea to tell your doctor and do a sleep study to determine if you have sleep apnea. I will actually be doing a sleep study at the end of the month.No, my partner doesn't snore, but I snore, which causes problems for others. She says she cannot sleep, as I snore a lot and very loudly. I don't know how to control it. If anyone knows, please tell me. Is there any treatment or remedy for it?
Yes I have heard about this, that the way we sleep in most cases, the position of our body does affect us and might make us snore.People are more likely to snore when sleeping on their back, so try to sleep on your side. If the snoring is really bad causing your girlfriend to wake up, perhaps it will be a good idea to tell your doctor and do a sleep study to determine if you have sleep apnea. I will actually be doing a sleep study at the end of the month.
I didn't know that sleep patterns are studied to cure snoring. But I have heard it's because of obesity and blood pressure issues. Maybe there is an obstruction in the nose. There may be many reasons for snoring. I need to see a doctor for sure.People are more likely to snore when sleeping on their back, so try to sleep on your side. If the snoring is really bad causing your girlfriend to wake up, perhaps it will be a good idea to tell your doctor and do a sleep study to determine if you have sleep apnea. I will actually be doing a sleep study at the end of the month.
My husband and I had this problem, but we solved it. We used to try different pillows and different sleeping positions, but now we bought a special device for the nose that helps stop snoring
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