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Do you make New Year's Resolutions?

Lil Witchy Shortie


Sep 23, 2023
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With New Year comes New Year's resolutions and whilst some people make them and try to stick with them throughout the New Year, some tend to not bother as they know they will not stick with them in the New Year and see making them as a waste of time.

Will you be making any New Year's resolutions?
I do make New Year's resolutions but I never tend to stick to them.
I might make a New Year's resolution but I'll be shocked if I stick to it, lol.
I usually do but not this year as I don't stick to them.
My resolution is to not make resolutions.

I just don't see the point of them myself- as a matter of fact, the whole happy new year thing is lost on me

Going by that logic, we should be saying happy january, happy febuary, etc etc

Can you imagine a big party on the 30th of april and someone saying drink and be merry, in a few hours it's the first of May

Pointless.. last year was crap, this year was crap, and next year will be crap.
Yes, I always make a new year's resolution because I want to be better than I was in the next year. Even though I don't use to keep them all, I still manage to work with some of them which is a positive thing.
I found out the reason why most people find it very difficult to keep their new year's resolutions after making them year after year. My finding was because they are making resolutions which are too big for them to keep no matter the effort they invest into it. I make light new year's resolution, and I have been keeping 90 percent of them.
I usually do but not this year as I don't stick to them.

I use to make them before too and I managed to keep most part of them. I've made a few for this year. Let's see how many of them I'll keep.
At the beginning of every year, I list 5-6 things I want to accomplish in the particular year. They are more like goals that may or may not be achieved but would be tried to achieve for sure. Can we call them "New Year Resolutions"?
At the beginning of every year, I list 5-6 things I want to accomplish in the particular year. They are more like goals that may or may not be achieved but would be tried to achieve for sure. Can we call them "New Year Resolutions"?
Yes, those goals can be seen or called New Year Resolutions. They might be something which you have wanted to achieve for yourself for a while but haven't been able to do so. Working towards achieving them in the new year is part of your resolution for the year.
In the past, I used to make new year resolutions, however, never in my life I have ever completed my resolutions. Therefore, I stopped making new year resolutions. These day, I don't wait for new year to make any new plans, I plan when ever I want and try to work on it, even when it is completely a new project
Planning ahead of time in whatever you want to do in the year is what makes it feasible to achieve most or part of those goals. It's when you have failed to plan, then failing will be more certain for you in a more guaranteed way. Planning is important and following your plan is what makes you realize it.
Every year I usually have new Year's resolution but at the moment I don't actually officially make one, I just have certain goals I hope to achieve and I am working really hard to achieve it.
I used to every year but would always end up breaking them. I still do but don't take them seriously anymore. They just sound good when I make them. I'm lucky if I haven't broken them within 2 weeks. lol
I used to but soon realized that new year resolutions were just routines that were never ever fulfilled. I decided that instead of new year resolutions. I would rather seek to improve my life everyday, bit by bit. And not pressure myself with new year resolutions.
I do try to make New Year's resolutions each year, though I'll admit I don't always stick to them as well as I'd like. There's something exciting about the symbolic fresh start of a new year that inspires me to set ambitious goals for self-improvement. Whether it's getting fitter, learning a new skill, or breaking a bad habit, those resolutions represent my aspirations.
I do this, but it doesn't always work because I'm always in a good mood on New Year's, so I can come up with something that will be difficult for me to do during the next year