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Do you like to Write Articles to earn online?



Mar 23, 2024
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There are a number of Article writing websites on which you can write articles and can make decent money and some are open for only native English speakers and they can really earn big amount for their article submission.

Do you like to Write Articles to earn online?
Off course I am also aware of such websites but I haven't give a try because I don't have the passion on writing online articles but at times I visit those websites when I am less busy
I am not really a professional writer, so I haven't really thought about writing articles. Though before I started writing on paid to post platforms, I use to write articles in read.cash but not a professional writer.
Like @eLdavis I am also not good at writing articles, I know if you have good writing skills you may be able to earn better on the article writing sites. Though I have tried few article sites in the past but I am a lazy person and used to complete an article in 15 days.🤣
Like @eLdavis I am also not good at writing articles, I know if you have good writing skills you may be able to earn better on the article writing sites. Though I have tried few article sites in the past but I am a lazy person and used to complete an article in 15 days.🤣
Lol writing articles requires lots of research and it's time consuming. Right now I don't even have enough time for myself. Though like you said writing articles does pay well if you are a professional writer.
Lol writing articles requires lots of research and it's time consuming. Right now I don't even have enough time for myself. Though like you said writing articles does pay well if you are a professional writer.

As my native language is not English so I can write good articles and that's the reason I don't try them.
I have a blog I started about 2 months ago, but it's more of a hobby than it is for earning online.

But if it ends up working that way...:sneaky:
It's a valid way to earn online and many are earning their living through article writing so you should go for it.
I have been earning from articles. Discussion Bucs just opened up their articles section and I would be looking at it very soon to see how I can take advantage of it. I have earned severally online by writing articles.
I am not into article writing otherwise I would have done better with my online earnings but I can still try hard and see if it works
I read articles posted on forum coin and some of these are very good but forum coin is paying a very low amount for the articles.
I have been earning from articles. Discussion Bucs just opened up their articles section and I would be looking at it very soon to see how I can take advantage of it. I have earned severally online by writing articles.

That's great. But you need to have ample time to write articles. On which site do you write them? Do you have your website? I have a plan to start writing articles and for that I need to buy a website first.
I haven't tried it yet, but Medium is a site where you get paid for reading time. It's been referred to as YouTube but for writing. The more people that read your articles, the more you earn.

Listverse is another site where you come up with a list, such as "10 ways to make money by writing online" and submit it. If it gets approved you get paid a one-time fee.
I have heard about these two sites but have never tried them. I will check them out and see if I can earn some money from them. These days, I am not writing any articles for any site. I used to write for a local site, which used to pay a good amount at once.
That's great. But you need to have ample time to write articles. On which site do you write them? Do you have your website? I have a plan to start writing articles and for that I need to buy a website first.
Article writing does take time and if you are getting a higher amount for the work then you should provide articles that are free from any errors
Article writing does take time and if you are getting a higher amount for the work then you should provide articles that are free from any errors

Are you there on any article-writing site? Yes, it requires time and accuracy. You must ensure that your article is unique and has good content. It should not be copied and pasted from other sites.
Are you there on any article-writing site? Yes, it requires time and accuracy. You must ensure that your article is unique and has good content. It should not be copied and pasted from other sites.
I have just started with forum posting and I still make so many mistakes. I am interested to try micro task websites and survey websites so article writing websites are not in my list for the time being.
It's always beneficial to start with PTP sites because from there you get to know about other sites. You started well, yes micro task sites may be good if you know how to do the tasks otherwise you won't find it. I don't know if the survey sites work well here in India now a days.
I am yet to try any micro task website and will join next month or whenever I am ready to join
Thew first dollar I made online was by writing articles. I have been writing online regularly for more than 12 years. I make money by writing and publishing articles on my blogs as well as freelance writing.