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Do you like the snow?


Active Contributor

Nov 14, 2023
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When I was younger, I loved the snow but now I don't like it much.
I love the look of it from the window but I hate being outside in it.

Do you like the snow?
I like it for a bit, but then it falls off pretty fast. Going from "it looks so nice out" to "it's time to plow and shovel" is a very short timeframe. Then it ends up muddy snow or frozen snow and just makes a mess.
I have no feelings either way as an adult. I did enjoy getting off school when I was a kid tho. :)
Yes, I have cool connection with winter and snow. They have never bothered me for once in my life no matter how cold it gets or how long it snows.
Whenever the weather is too hot, I would always be looking forward to winter and its snow. They make the who environment chilly and cold. I can remember playing in the snow as a child and building the snow man. It was a very good memory which I have as a child from childhood.
I do like the snow but we really don’t get enough of it here in the south part of the UK. Last time we had heavy snow was in 2016. Prior to 2016 it happened every year pretty much but probably because of climate change it’s not been occurring as much
I like snow because everything looks so beautiful and peaceful when it is snowing, the houses, trees, streets look like a perfect postcard, but I hate driving in the snow, hate cleaning the snow and hate walking on the icy snow days later.
When I was younger, I loved the snow but now I don't like it much.
I love the look of it from the window but I hate being outside in it.

Do you like the snow?

Growing up, I always wish to see the snow fall daily because I don't have anything that I will want to do. However, things changed as I grew older and needed to achieve a lot with the responsibilities that were coming up. Nowadays, I want to go out more instead of staying indoors, and that changed a lot as I prefer the summer now.
Yes, I like the snow because it's beautiful to see everything covered in a white blanket, and it's fun to make snowmen and have snowball fights. I've not seen snow yet in real life but I'm looking forward to traveling to some hill station soon to have the snow-experience.
Yes, I like the snow because it's beautiful to see everything covered in a white blanket, and it's fun to make snowmen and have snowball fights. I've not seen snow yet in real life but I'm looking forward to traveling to some hill station soon to have the snow-experience.
There are some part of world where the amount of snow they experience is too much when compared to other countries. Canada is a very good example of a country which experience too much snow in the winter season. I was there once during winter, I was nearly frozen to death.
I really liked winter when I didn't have to work this time of year. It was very beautiful and pleasant, but when you have to go to work in such beauty, the desire to enjoy this time disappears because it is constantly cold and it only complicates your work.
I do not have any love for any weather which is hot but when it's a weather which is cold like winter, it will always be my favourite season. The snow which winter brings is one of coolest thing you can see it life. I know sometimes the snow is too much but it's better than heat.

I do not have any love for any weather which is hot but when it's a weather which is cold like winter, it will always be my favourite season. The snow which winter brings is one of coolest thing you can see it life. I know sometimes the snow is too much but it's better than heat.
It does not snow in the city I live in. During the winter, sometimes temperature, especially during he night, can go below zero but it does not show. I have not seen showing in my city in my entire life. However, I like snow and when it snows in the city outskirts, especially in the hilly areas, I visit those places to have fun
Whenever it's snowing in my town, I feel so happy because it means the weather will be very comfortable for me to relax. I can't stand being where the weather is too hot. This is why I can't do anything tangible in the summer season. The hotness of the weather will make it difficult for me.
I like it for a bit, but then it falls off pretty fast. Going from "it looks so nice out" to "it's time to plow and shovel" is a very short timeframe. Then it ends up muddy snow or frozen snow and just makes a mess.
So I also have the same thing when I don't have enough time to enjoy it. If you want snow, then you want it to be from the first of December to the end of February, and if there is no snow for so long, then it is better not to have it at all
No amount of snowing is too small for me. It's better for me to get one month of snow than not get it at all. Hot weather will finish my scalp and small life for me. This is why I make the best of any winter and snow which comes for the season.
I have never had the opportunity to experience it before, so I can't really say for sure. Though I have always been the type who likes it when the weather is cold, so am guessing I might also love it when it snows.
For a few days, yes. For a long time, no.

Snow is beautiful but it causes accidents too. Slippery roads are not good.
For a few days, yes. For a long time, no.

Snow is beautiful but it causes accidents too. Slippery roads are not good.
I would also prefer to simply observe people and also beautiful landscapes in the mountains, but if you need to get to work in such weather, it only interferes and then it is not so pleasant
I used to like snow as I was into cross country skiing and snowshoeing. But my girlfriend is from California and is not into that. So now snow has just become a nuisance that I have to shovel.