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Music Do you like instrumental music?


Active Contributor

Sep 23, 2023
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I enjoy listening to instrumental music all the time! My favorite genres of music are synthwave and video game music which both are usually instrumental. Heck I even enjoy listening to the weather channel music lol. When I was younger I would turn on the weather channel just so I could hear the music. xD Does anyone else enjoy listening to instrumental music?
Symphonic Metal is my favourite type of instrumental music but I still only listen to it occasionally 🙁
Instrumental music is definitely music I can listen to and have listened to a few times in the past as well.

I guess you could class the Harry Potter soundtrack as being instrumental music and also many video game soundtracks as well to some extent. Halo is definitely one that springs to mind when it comes to instrumental video game music.
The soundtrack to the old game F0 X was awesome metal 🤗
classical, no

I don't mind it though if it's a theme from a movie or tv show I like
I've never gotten enough of listening to guitar whenever it's played. The sound it makes rings in my soul. It's the best tune 🎶 I've listened to.
Yes, I like instrumental music. it's nice to listen to when working.
I don't listen to it all that often though.
I like instrumental music, especially Indian classical music and Nepali classical music. Indian classical and Nepali classical music use local instruments like tabala, sitar, sarangi, madal and I like the sound of these music. Perhaps, westerners have not even heard the names of the musical instruments I just mentioned
I like instrumental music, especially Indian classical music and Nepali classical music. Indian classical and Nepali classical music use local instruments like tabala, sitar, sarangi, madal and I like the sound of these music. Perhaps, westerners have not even heard the names of the musical instruments I just mentioned

You're right, I've never heard about local instruments like tabala, sitar, sarangi and madal. I would love to hear how they sound when they are played. Can you link any of the songs they're played in?
I have never been drawn to it. I don't mind it, but it is not a preference.
I often listen to the 'Spa' channel on the Stingray radio channel. There are never any words on it and it is commercial free.
I don't often listen to this kind of music, but for me it is very relaxing music and many people can listen to it because there is a certain energy that the body feels.
Apart from classical and jazz, no. I find it boring and annoying.
I produce beats myself so I am very particular about instrumentals because they inspire me. I go to YouTube to download different instrumentals and see if I would be able to sample it in my projects. I particularly love to listen to hip hop instrumentals.
I have a deep appreciation for instrumental music. The ability of purely instrumental compositions to evoke emotions, paint vivid mental landscapes, and transport the listener without the use of lyrics is truly captivating to me. I'm particularly drawn to the atmospheric, cinematic qualities of ambient and post-rock instrumentals, as well as the technical mastery and improvisational elements of jazz.
I don't listen to them always, but I do enjoy listening to them most times and I also use some for my video edits.
I enjoy listening to instrumental music all the time! My favorite genres of music are synthwave and video game music which both are usually instrumental. Heck I even enjoy listening to the weather channel music lol. When I was younger I would turn on the weather channel just so I could hear the music. xD Does anyone else enjoy listening to instrumental music?
Off course yes I do I like listening of instrumental music because I it remembering me some priceless memory
I don't mind instrumental music and there are instruments whose music is loved by everyone