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Do you have the opportunity to buy truly natural products for cooking?


Chipi Chipi Chapa Chapa

Feb 9, 2024
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I live in a very big city and the only place where I can buy products is supermarkets, but everyone knows that there are not very natural products and their prices are very high. Although sometimes I manage to get products from my parents who grow them themselves in the village
I do not think I can buy 100 percent natural products for cooking, all of the products I buy, even the so called organic products, seem to have been produced by using chemical fertilizer. However, mt parents grow food and I get 100 percent organic food from my parents, which I do not have to buy.
These days it's becoming really hard to find natural ingredients for cooking. The worse part about this is that there business owners and vendors who lie about their products being natural just to cheat you.
These days it's becoming really hard to find natural ingredients for cooking. The worse part about this is that there business owners and vendors who lie about their products being natural just to cheat you.
This is true, so I very often see an organic sticker in stores, but it is not organic at all and is a very cheap product. Unfortunately, no one controls this and people continue to buy expensive, low-quality goods anyway
It is very difficult to see products that are 100% organic now. I manage to produce organic chickens for some people that demand. Cost of producing organic products is high and most people can't afford to buy. So we stick to synthetic production.
I'm fortunate to live in an area with great access to fresh, natural ingredients for cooking. My local farmer's market is a treasure trove of produce from nearby farms - crisp vegetables, juicy fruits, and herbs so fragrant and flavorful. I also have sources for responsibly-raised meats, eggs, and dairy products.
It is very difficult to see products that are 100% organic now. I manage to produce organic chickens for some people that demand. Cost of producing organic products is high and most people can't afford to buy. So we stick to synthetic production.
Very true, even when you come across them, you can't actually be sure they are actually organic. I have come across so many people who claim their products are organic but they are actually no where near it.
Just like you, I also live in a big city where raw food material is not grown but is transported from other cities, so I don't know whether we are buying a truly natural thing or an adulterated one. That's the reason I want to migrate to a village.
This opportunity is for those that live close to the village. Villagers farm a lot, so one can get fresh produce directly from them. But I don't stay in the village so that means I use the market.
No its not and its even hard to find pure milk, condensed butter and several other things
This is true, so I very often see an organic sticker in stores, but it is not organic at all and is a very cheap product. Unfortunately, no one controls this and people continue to buy expensive, low-quality goods anyway
And it's very annoying because they sell it the same price you would buy the original product, only for you to find out it's fake.
It's tough now because its hard to find a pure product, or organic product as they are mostly involved in adulteration
Exactly this is why most people are not interested in buying organic products these days.
For me l find that the natural products are very costly to purchase
I don't think the money is the problem as long as we know its pure because these days we mostly see adulterated products sold at high prices
I do not think that the products I buy can be completely natural. I try to buy not very cheap products in the hope that they will be of better quality