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Do you have any addictions?

Ja sa bong
I used to vape years ago. It was a serious addiction because I couldn't stop no matter what I did. I'll throw everything away but will go back and buy it again.

Vaping and smoking are the same thing to me which is why whenever I hear someone talking about trying to quit smoking by going to vape, I will just conclude that the person is not serious about dropping the habit of smoking because whatever the person is doing is still damaging the person's lungs and heart.
I used to vape years ago. It was a serious addiction because I couldn't stop no matter what I did. I'll throw everything away but will go back and buy it again.
In my opinion, addiction to vape is much more difficult than to regular cigarettes because you will not always be able to notice its effect on your body and you continue to do it, but when the effect becomes obvious it is already difficult to stop
I'm grateful to say that I don't have any serious addictions. However, like many people, I can occasionally become overly reliant on things like social media or caffeine. I try to be mindful of these tendencies and practice moderation. If I notice that my use of something is starting to negatively impact my daily life or well-being, I make an effort to cut back or take breaks.
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