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Do you have a blog?



Oct 30, 2023
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A blog is a type of website where individuals or organizations regularly publish content on a particular topic or niche. Blogs typically feature articles, commentary, and multimedia content, and often allow readers to engage through comments and social sharing. Blog was created as a way to publish personal journals online, but now blogs have evolved as a popular websites to find informative content on various topics. Do you have a blog?
I've started blogs twice and I gave up and everything you said is exactly what I've been through. Patience is truly key. I'm going back.
I have a blog but I am not active.

WordPress is getting more and more clumsy. I like the classic editor over what they have now
No I don't have a blog. Some years back I tried creating one for myself, but it really did not go the way I planned or hoped it would go, so I simply just gave up on it altogether.
I don't own a blog, but that is part of what I am looking at starting very soon. I wish to have a blog where I can share great contents with some of my friends and visitors to the site.
Yes, I do have my own personal blog that I've been running for a few years now write about my passions and share my thoughts and experiences with anyone willing to read them. While I don't profess to be an expert on the topics I cover, my blog serves as a creative outlet for long-form writing on subjects like travel and food.
I own a blog but it is not your regular blog because mine is focused on erotic stories. It is monetized through subscription to access more intense stories. It is doing just fine and growing at the moment.
No, I don't have a blog, but I'd like to start one soon so that to generate some decent money because I'm tired of typing a lot on forums in trying to get pennies, but I'm not sure where to begin. Is there anyone here with any suggestions?
Not a blog but my girlfriend who is a Wiccan had a YouTube channel with hundreds of followers, until YouTube took it down for copyright infringement.
I don't have a blog, and I don't have interest in creating one. However I have the habit of visiting people's blogs and going through their content.
I also read other's blogs just to learn something new and the way they present it. I also don't forget to comment on the blogs if I like them. I am gaining knowledge so that I may start blogging one day in future.
Yes I have been blogging for a few months now. I was using Wordpress but I grew to hate the platform. I’m using a platform called SimDif no ads and easier to create something professional looking. My only complaint is that the templates all look the same there is not a lot you can do about structure. But the benefits outweigh the drawbacks imo.
I also read other's blogs just to learn something new and the way they present it. I also don't forget to comment on the blogs if I like them. I am gaining knowledge so that I may start blogging one day in future.
I have a few friends that I follow their blogs. I do well to read all their latest contents and drop comments. I don't own a blog, but I support those who do.
That's great!!

None of my friends own a blog. But while searching for any topic, if I find any interesting blog, I read it. I know it helps others. Some people present their blogs so beautifully that you cannot resist reading them.
I don't have a blog but months ago I was planning to start one on cricket but then I thought it will be a lot of work and not sure if it will help me any
I don't own a blog, but that is part of what I am looking at starting very soon. I wish to have a blog where I can share great contents with some of my friends and visitors to the site.
That would be awesome though, for me I doubt I would be able to manage a blog I don't think i have the time to put in on growing the blog. Maybe in the future though.
I am also planning to have my blog and start on something that makes me interested and this way I can find like minded people
That would be awesome though, for me I doubt I would be able to manage a blog I don't think i have the time to put in on growing the blog. Maybe in the future though.
I think that is what is holding me back from also having my own blog. It can sometimes be daunting to continue to maintain and build a blog up to the point that one start earning from it, and I don't think I'm ready for that kind of commitment.
It does takes a lot of time and if you are unable to update it from time to time then it won't work

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