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Do you find it very difficult to trust people?

Ja sa bong


Sep 23, 2023
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How do you feel about trusting people? Do you find it very easy to do or it's something that's very difficult for you with respect to anyone?

I've been betrayed by people who are very close to me that I never expected betrayal from. After their betrayal, it's very difficult for me to trust anyone again.

Do you have trust issues?
Yes, big time. I trust no person who is not family.
Trusting anyone but yourself is at your own risk. I would never do that. I would rather die with what I know might be a risk to me than to share it with a failed human race.
Yes. It takes me a while to be able to trust people.
Sometimes I don't trust the person at all. I only trust someone if I'm close to them.
I don't trust anyone completely. Literally, no one. Whenever I trust someone a bit, I make sure to have a backup plan just in case that person breaks my trust. I'm always very cautious. At the end of the day, whatever happens, you have to help yourself!
There are different levels of trust all the way, and we all trust somehow our fellow humans one way or the other.
With each person you interact, you may trust some things, but not others and it's never advisable to deposit ALL your trust in a single person
whoever it is(not even on yourself)
I do like to trust people even I know the may fail. I like to give them a chance in the same way I like it to be given to me.
Yes. It takes me a while to be able to trust people.
Sometimes I don't trust the person at all. I only trust someone if I'm close to them.
From what I have been through in my life with trying to trust people, it's better for me not to trust anyone again. I know that this is somehow going to affect my relationship with so many people but it's better for me this way because I can't keep letting people let me down.
Trusting people with ease isn't a smart thing to do. Many people will take you for granted. It is why you need to be careful with how much you trust.
I don't trust anyone completely. Literally, no one. Whenever I trust someone a bit, I make sure to have a backup plan just in case that person breaks my trust. I'm always very cautious. At the end of the day, whatever happens, you have to help yourself!
Going by trusting people in this way will be the best thing to do. This is because when you completely trust some people, they will think they have a strong hold on you. This will put them in a position of doing everything to take advantage of you which they won't stop doing.
It is very difficult because at first I was looking for friends that I could trust, but at that moment I was insulted and deceived by my brother, so I stopped looking for friends because even my relatives are not as reliable as I thought. Maybe only mom and dad whom I can completely trust and they will definitely not let me down, although I was lucky with them
My findings is that it's those who are much more closer to you that will be the one's to break your trust in them. A total complete stranger will not have the upper hand to break your trust because you would not give the person such a chance to get close and break your trust.
I have this issue. I cannot trust people easily, I do not fully trust even the close members in my family. I keep my inner thoughts with myself. It is good to keep yourself away from people rather than trust them and then be betrayed. Betrayal is one of the hardest things to cope in life, you need to be very cautious.
It is when you put yourself in a situation of trusting people that you will end up being betrayed in the end. So, for that reason alone, I have tried to eliminate the possibility of me doing that to myself because when I don't trust, there is no way someone will have the opportunity of stabbing me in the back.
Yes I find it very difficult to trust people, especially due to the fact that does I have trusted before in the past where the ones who hurt me the most. I am trying my best to give people the benefit of a doubt though.
For some reasons, I have never had trust issues. I always give people the benefit of doubts. But even with betrayal, I still trust people within fair limits. I have been making payments to vendors I just meet online for the first time.
Trust is a word only naive people use. Always be careful what you tell your friends because in the future they may not be your friends and can use that info against you.

I have been let down and betrayed too many times in the past to be able to ever trust anyone again. I only pretend that I do to make things easier.
I think that it would be so difficult to have real friends, because what is the point of friendship if you don't share various secrets. I think you need to trust, but it takes time
Trust is something I don't give out easily or blindly. While I try to start with a general sense of trust in people, deep trust must be earned over time through consistent words and actions. I find it difficult to fully trust anyone right away, as betrayals can be painful.
It is not difficult for me because I am very communicative and if people want to lie to me or use me, I feel it for some reason and I immediately stop communicating with her