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Do you exercise every day?



Oct 30, 2023
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Regular exercise offers numerous benefits including improved cardiovascular health, weight management, enhanced mood, increased energy levels, and reduced risk of chronic diseases like diabetes and heart disease. Regular exercise has long term as well as short tern benefits. Do you exercise daily, what kind of exercise do you do? How many minutes do you exercise?
Some years ago, I used to work out every day because I had the time and energy to work out every single day. Now, it's not so for me because I have so many other things to do which doesn't allow me all the time to work out everyday like I used to.
I never did it daily as that can be a bit unhealthy. However, I used to work out most days and now I still do every few days.
I never did it daily as that can be a bit unhealthy. However, I used to work out most days and now I still do every few days.

Yes, this is very true. When you are putting too much pressure on your body, it will wear it out too much. It might make you to have a muscle tear depending on the kind of work out drills that you are putting your body through all the time. Too much of anything is very bad for your health.
I have just a single dumbbell at home. I carry it every up to 100 lifts every morning to exercise myself. It gives me a great burst of energy to face the day. There are days that I do press ups alongside lifting the dumbbell. The dumbbell is a daily ritual.
I plan to exercise daily at home but if I am not feeling well or busy with something most important then I skip exercise on that day.
I don't exercise every day. I mean I don't see the need to do so because it can be quite a huge task. So, I spread my exercise via thrice a week and that is what has been helpful in making me focus more on the way that I stay fit.

Exercising daily can never be possible with the type of work that I do.
I would like to stress that it is essential to listen to your body's signals and also try to respect rest days but I try to do exercises every day and I try as much as possible to reduce the risk of injury as well
For some months now, I have been going on morning walks and recently I have started adding regular exercises after morning walks. Regular exercises is very important for our body to stay fit and healthy.
I walk a lot everyday, but I don't exercise everyday. Only when I get in the mood.
I wouldn't say that I exercise every day but I do tend to walk each day quite a bit and I also do a lot around the house which gets me moving too so that is my way of staying active.
Yes, I think it is time I switch to that. Nothing tedious, but for 30 minutes or so. I do not want to gain weight at this age.
I walk every day and I ride the exercise bike every day as well and so far I lost a total of 132 pounds and I would like to another 140 pounds more. I don't care if it takes me 2 years to get it off, I am not going to give up.
I have a high intensity work flow daily having to work on my farm. That's enough exercise for me. But that notwithstanding, I still carry my dumbbells every morning by 5am. I wish I could play football everyday like when I was much younger.
I don't joke with my daily workouts. I focus more on doing my fitness drills on a daily basis no matter the little time I spend training. I believe that being consistent is better than trying to do more on an irregular basis such as once in a week or four times in a month.
I try my best to exercise daily, but realistically it ends up being 5-6 days per week. Having an active job helps get some movement in, but I still prioritize dedicated workout time. My routine usually involves a few cardio sessions, a couple strength training days, and an active recovery day like yoga or a long walk.
I don't train that much because I'm already in good shape and that's what I like, but I don't want to lose that shape, so every day I spend no more than 30 minutes jogging and stretching
No, I don't exercise at all. I work on the shop floor of a manufacturing unit, so most of the time I stand or walk on the production lines. I get tired when I come home and don't like to do physical activities. I know this is not good for my health, but what should I do when my body doesn't allow it?
I am about going for my morning walk, so I guess that answers the question.