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  • We have now changed the post count rule to post your website in the Website Directory and the Member Showcase to 10, this was previously 50 but we felt it was too high. You can read more about this change here >>> https://discussionhub.net/threads/update-of-rules-for-the-member-showcase.4356/

Do you enable Two Factor Authentication in your forum?

Ja sa bong
Two Factor Authentication is one of best security set up used in forums to prevent user's accounts to be accessed by another person. It's used on different social media platforms I can think of like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok and etc.

Do you enable this feature on your forum for better account security of your members?
Yes, the use of Two Factor Authentication code is actively enabled on both Bizdustry and Admin-junkies.com. It's also enabled on Gaminglatest. On Gaminglatest, I was having issues with getting the Two Factor Authentication code sent to my email, I had to start using Google Authenticator to generate the code for my login to the forum.
I think it is enabled in Admin Junkies and Bizdustry. I feel it is a good idea to enable additional security measures like two-factor authentication as they can enhance account security for forum members by adding an extra layer of verification during login.
It is to prevent a non-valued contributor from using an account of a valued contributor to make a withdrawal as only valued contributors and VIP members can make cash out. Even cash out to multiple wallets is prohibited for the same purpose. I talk about Bizdustry.
I have not used 2FA on my forums and I have no intention of using 2FA on my forums, my forums do not deal with financial matters, therefore, I don't feel that I should have 2FA. Out of multiple forums I use daily, only two forums make use of 2FA and I need to authorize 2FA ever 30 days or every time I use on a new browser or a device.
I think paid to post forums should enable 2FA to login to those forums. That's because someone can easily target to enter and own an account of a paid to post forum ot someone to have access to earned funds.
The 2FA on mobile phone has a drawback that everyone knows that is when login and then open the 2FA app and be back to page and may be redo the full authentication process which is a boring process unless you have Google Auth App on another phone and not everyone has more than one mobile phone.
I don't see any need for that and haven't seen any forum going for 2 Factor authentication and if they want they can add option but no need to make it mandatory
Make it mondatory = Full head ache to browse forum from mobile phone
A forum owner thinks of security of a person browsing from PC and not open new app from mobile phone and copy phone and back to mobile phone and sometimes redo full login process
I believe a forum with a large marketplace would benefit from enforcing 2FA on accounts. I've been on several sites where accounts get hacked frequently, just so hackers can sell things using a good account. In these cases, 2FA is really important. However, for most forums, I don't see the need for regular members, though it's a different story for admins.

Daily Poll: Which universe do you prefer?

  • Marvel

    Votes: 1 25.0%
  • DC

    Votes: 3 75.0%
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