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Do you double check that all devices are turned off before leaving the house?


Chipi Chipi Chapa Chapa

Feb 9, 2024
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I think it's a habit to double check that I've turned everything off before leaving the house. It often happened to me that I did not check well, it turned out that I had left something on. Before leaving, I turn off all devices except the refrigerator, because nothing will happen to it for sure
I only double check when am not completely sure. On other days I just off them and go out.
Yes, I check everything is switched off and all doors are closed except the refrigerator before going out of the house. And also ensure that the refrigerator is switched off in winters. It is one of the ways to cut your bills. I don't think anyone doesn't follow this.
I don't do that. I used to leave everything on especially sockets for charging and also the light bulbs but I will always make sure that I switch the change over so that they won't be an accident if no one is at home.