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Do you consider physical appearance to be everything?



Apr 30, 2024
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I have met many people who focus on their physical appearance; they think their appearance should be good. They think that even if their behavior is not good, they will be liked by others. I don't know if they are right or not, but for me, I give last preference to physical appearance. For me, your attitude, intelligence, sense of humor, and behavior are more important than being liked by others. What is your view of it?
I have met many people who focus on their physical appearance; they think their appearance should be good. They think that even if their behavior is not good, they will be liked by others. I don't know if they are right or not, but for me, I give last preference to physical appearance. For me, your attitude, intelligence, sense of humor, and behavior are more important than being liked by others. What is your view of it?
Physical appearance should not be the first criteria that we should use to rate people. As a matter of fact, it should be last on the list. Appearance can be deceptive.
I feel physical appearance is just a part of many layers. There are people who are physically good looking and all, but mentally they are not okay, or even health wise they are looking pretty bad, or bad in character.
I feel physical appearance is just a part of many layers. There are people who are physically good looking and all, but mentally they are not okay, or even health wise they are looking pretty bad, or bad in character.
Outwardly beautiful but inwardly ugly is what we call those type of people.
It is true that bad people can dress better because in society most people judge a person by his appearance. And this is a big minus, because at the same time they perceive badly dressed people as a bad personality, but usually it is the other way around
I always dress as I feel comfortable. Sometimes I look really bad and people can think about me whatever they want, but if I didn't feel like ironing a shirt, I wouldn't do it and walk like this
Physical appearance can never be said to be everything. It is part of the things that makeup a person but you have to give a person the chance so that you would judge the contents of their character, belief systems and so on.
Looks aren't everything and neither should they be.
While I feel out physical looks is important, I believe it is not everything. There is more to life beyond just looking good.
Having a good physical appearance matters most to men. They are looking for a pretty face,lol. In my case, of course, physical appearance is important so when you have children, your kids will be lovely and not look ugly. :LOL: Children sometimes blame their parents as to why they were born ugly. :oops:
Many more people thinks that physical appearance its okay for them because they think they are right but probably they're wrong for having good attitude and character etc must consider first before anything else
Physical appearance cannot be everything but these days most people do weigh looks more than anything and even Girls that are dumb and are just pretty get high salary jobs even if they are not competent