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Do you check the ingredients of detergents before buying or do you buy any?


Chipi Chipi Chapa Chapa

Feb 9, 2024
Reaction score
The composition is not very important to me because I don't have children or animals in the house, so I don't think it can harm. I use gloves when cleaning so it won't hurt my skin either and I can buy even the cheapest ones
I always keep things like this safe so I don't check what its made of. As long as it does not hurt me in anyway and it's effective, I don't mind using it.
I have never checked the ingredients of the detergent and just go for the best that can clean clothes perfectly.
No I don't check the ingredients before buying detergents. What's the use of checking it?
I don't check the ingredients of all the detergents that I have been buying. Sometimes, I read the sachet out of boredom but its rare.