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Do you buy or rent books?


Active Contributor

Nov 12, 2023
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How do you get the books which you're reading? It's easier to buy books online which is why I don't understand why someone will be interested in renting books. Have you rented books to read before? Do you still do it today?
I used to be a member of my local library, but it sucked with it's selection so left.

Not purchased a book for years
About 7 years ago, I used to rent books from a book store close to my yard. There wasn't any need to buy them when I can get them from across the stress at a cheaper price.
When I used to go to the library, I would always rent a book with my library card.
I never used to buy a book as I'd only read it once and not read it again.
A library is the best place to rent a book for those who are into the habit of going to the library to read. I haven't been in side the four walls of library in over 20 years. Therefore, I don't have the privilege of renting books. All the books I have read in more than 20 years have all been purchased.
I primarily access books through online platforms and libraries. Renting books can be a more cost-effective and space-saving option for those who don't want to keep a large collection. I have rented books in the past from libraries but currently prefer digital platforms for convenience and accessibility.
Neither. We’ve still got library’s and they are funded by the state. Free to borrow a book, provided you return it on time and in good condition.
Neither. We’ve still got library’s and they are funded by the state. Free to borrow a book, provided you return it on time and in good condition.
There are some people who can be very careless with books they have borrowed from the library. Private library face a lot challenges with some of their book users with damaging their books.

Now, it's easy to download books online. It's why using library have never bothered me lately. I can get most of the book I want to read online with ease.
I buy books and will never wish to rent any book that I hold dear to my heart. I don't want to read a book once and discard it. I will want to read it as often as possible as I come to terms with the ideas in the book
So, renting a book is always very difficult for me to do now, I would rather save and buy one that I can call mine.
I rented books several times. The first reason is cost purpose. Second, you will use this book once during your PFE exam. Then you read it to get information and label it, or get more ideas and examples. Buying a book at this time is a waste of money because it is just for the PFE exam.
I rented books several times. The first reason is cost purpose. Second, you will use this book once during your PFE exam. Then you read it to get information and label it, or get more ideas and examples. Buying a book at this time is a waste of money because it is just for the PFE exam.
If the book which you are supposed to be read is meant to only be useful to you once, it's better to rent or hire the book. This is because buying the book will leave it being a waste since you can't read it again for any need. I guess this is the reason why some people are still into renting or borrowing books.
If the book which you are supposed to be read is meant to only be useful to you once, it's better to rent or hire the book. This is because buying the book will leave it being a waste since you can't read it again for any need. I guess this is the reason why some people are still into renting or borrowing books.
Exactly, it will take an additional space in the home for nothing. Since you are using just one time and no more than that like for a mini project on your university or PFE exam or an exam. When you pay money to rent it then you use it for this purpose then another one rents it after you.
Exactly, it will take an additional space in the home for nothing. Since you are using just one time and no more than that like for a mini project on your university or PFE exam or an exam. When you pay money to rent it then you use it for this purpose then another one rents it after you.
I love how big my home is. This made it possible for me to build my own study inside my house with my book shelve. I have so many books which I have bought and kept there in my book shelve. If I still need to rent books which I hardly do, I will have the space to keep it before returning it.
I used to do this when there was no money, but now I only buy books because I want to read them in the future and more than once and I also want to have my own library that I can brag to someone about
It's the nature of the book you are going to be buying that will determine if it's better for you to buy the books or rent them. If you are going to only temporarily use a book, there is no need for the person to spend the full amount on buying the book. It's a waste of money.
I like buying books, I am not only a reader but also a book collector. I have borrowed books from library or even from friends but I always like to buy my books. There was a time when I had over 5k books but sadly I lost a lot of books as I shifted my home. Nevertheless, I still have around 2k books
I love it when books are kept and managed in a good order. This is why having a book study at home where you arrange all of your books that you have been collecting is seen as a good decision. I hate seeing where books are scattered all over the place.
When I used to go to the library, I would always rent a book with my library card.
I never used to buy a book as I'd only read it once and not read it again.
I also did that, but back then they were much better libraries than now because you could find almost everything you needed, and now there are much more books and you won't find even 10 percent of what you're looking for. Books are very expensive now, but I still buy them to have a library
I buy books and will never wish to rent any book that I hold dear to my heart. I don't want to read a book once and discard it. I will want to read it as often as possible as I come to terms with the ideas in the book
So, renting a book is always very difficult for me to do now, I would rather save and buy one that I can call mine.

The kind of books which you want to read makes it easier for you to decide if it's a book you want to buy or rent but that's if you find the book in bookstore where they are in the business of renting books. I've looked for one book in the bookstore years ago but didn't find it.
Though most of the books I have I either downloaded them for free, or they where bought by someone else while I was given for free. I prefer buying than renting so I can take my time in reading then when i want to.