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Do you believe in love?

Mad Hatter

Mar 6, 2024
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Most women will answer yes because they cannot accept the notion that maybe some men are just using them. Some men will also answer yes because they want to come across as sensitive and mature.
But is love real, or is it just physical attraction mixed with friendship? Take sex out of the equation and what do you have? I think that the word love comes into play with my girlfriend because she is hot and she makes me laugh. I like her personality, I like her mindset, I like her body. But is that love, if she suddenly cut me off would I stay with her? Would my nice soft fuzzy feelings that I have for her remain as is?

I would be interested to hear your thoughts, would appreciate total honesty here.
Yes I do believe in love. I know that the concept of love seems to be getting unbelievable with each passing day, but I still believe that there is true love out there.
The only pure form of love I know is the one that exists between parents and children. Even at that, not all fathers have that pure love for their kids. For some, or us just commitment but I know mothers love their kids to the death.

With that being said, the other kinds of love we express thereafter is laden with interests and when once that interest is no longer forthcoming, the presumed love dies.
The only pure form of love I know is the one that exists between parents and children.
My "parents" did everything in their power to chip away at my self esteem. My so called father hated me and my so called mother never missed an opportunity to mock and disrespect me. I am not familiar with the love that you speak of.
Yes I strongly believe in love, while I have been hurt several times by does I loved, I still be there is still love out there and there are still people who are capable of love.
Yes I strongly believe in love, while I have been hurt several times by does I loved, I still be there is still love out there and there are still people who are capable of love.
Yes, one should not rule out love just because of a few bad experiences with some people. There are still some people out there that are real and genuine, and loving those ones will not be a waste of time.
Yes, one should not rule out love just because of a few bad experiences with some people. There are still some people out there that are real and genuine, and loving those ones will not be a waste of time.
This is why it annoys me when people say all guys are the same or all girls are the same. You can't generalized a particular thing simply because of what you have been through with a few persons.
Hmm.. I believe in love. It gives me a feeling that there is someone for me, who will take care of mine. It gives sense of acceptance and belongingness. Love make us understand how to overcome loneliness and distress.
Yes I believe in love but this love is different when it comes to parents love or the love from our better half
This is why it annoys me when people say all guys are the same or all girls are the same. You can't generalized a particular thing simply because of what you have been through with a few persons.
Generalization is wrong. No matter how bad the particular set of people is, you cannot because of them lump the rest together. If you do, you'll be missing out on those who are actually better.
I believe in love, if love does not exist how would this world exist. You and I are hear not just because if sex, our existence is also based on love. However, I do not believe in love at first sight, that is just a physical attraction
I believe in love, if love does not exist how would this world exist. You and I are hear not just because if sex, our existence is also based on love. However, I do not believe in love at first sight, that is just a physical attraction
I absolutely agree with you, especially regarding the love at first sight part. It is almost impossible to love Someone at first sight. What we feel is just attraction that we mask as love.
No. I have no interest whatsoever. If others want love/romance/intimacy and so forth, that's their choice and I'm cool with that. It's just not for me.
Not really but I'm willing to give it a try. I've loved in the past and it was messy but I still want to go again. Probably with someone who's more kinder
Yes actually I believe in love but having a serious relationship these days is very hard
Indeed having a serious relationship is no longer easy like it used to be any longer. It's either one of them is not serious or it's one case or the other. Then there are cases where who you are into is not into you and vise versa.
I think that this is real, but it is worth understanding. A lot of people look for a benefit in their partner and can even call it love, but love does not show itself so soon and like me it takes many years for this love to become selfless
The real essence of love doesn't exist in our generation any longer. People only tend to love people for what they can get from people and not really that selfless kind of love. I believe in commitment more than love.
I believe so much in love because God loves us even when we are yet sinners
I believe in love. It is because of the feelings that two lovers surrender themselves and if their love does not triumph because of circumstances, there is no one to blame because that is part of the ingredients of love. To heal the ache is love itself.