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  • We have now changed the post count rule to post your website in the Website Directory and the Member Showcase to 10, this was previously 50 but we felt it was too high. You can read more about this change here >>> https://discussionhub.net/threads/update-of-rules-for-the-member-showcase.4356/

Gaming Do you believe gaming can be educational?

When we hear the world game, the first thing that comes to mind would be for entertainment purposes or just for pleasure. Gaming can still be used for educational purposes. Let's take real time strategy games for example, it has help some students in improving their ability to think and reason faster, then again there several games I have played in the past that helped in teaching me how to spell and so on.
Games can absolutely be educational. They make educational games for children and have been making them for decades now. I remember seeing the Oregon Trail games when I was a kid as well as Math Blaster. Sega actually started making a new educational console in Japan, they used to have this console call the Pico that came out in the 1990's and lasted for years.
Well, of course. There are many games that are based on real stories and they actually portray that through cutscenes. Some games (mostly for kids) are made for educational purposes, such as studying math, English or any other subject. Modern technology helps in many ways to teach kids.
There are many games that need no technology and stuffs like board and dices. They are educational and can be played anywhere. They are good for bonding as well as are educational in igniting your imagination, guessing, memory and social skills. We played them a lot during our growing up years. I spy with my eye, Guess who, Dumb charades, guess the song that I hum... the list is endless.
There are many games that need no technology and stuffs like board and dices. They are educational and can be played anywhere. They are good for bonding as well as are educational in igniting your imagination, guessing, memory and social skills. We played them a lot during our growing up years. I spy with my eye, Guess who, Dumb charades, guess the song that I hum... the list is endless.
That's true though, a lot of families usually have game nights where they play these board games. It's really good for bounding and still educative.
That's true though, a lot of families usually have game nights where they play these board games. It's really good for bounding and still educative.
People need to do that more these days. With mobiles and gadgets invading our life too much, one has to deliberately try out for such simple things from time to time for a family bonding and to stay connected with our loved ones.
People need to do that more these days. With mobiles and gadgets invading our life too much, one has to deliberately try out for such simple things from time to time for a family bonding and to stay connected with our loved ones.
And this is why we are having so many families and relationships where there is no bond or connections.

Daily Poll: Which universe do you prefer?

  • Marvel

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • DC

    Votes: 2 66.7%
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