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Do you Believe Birds are dying being of Advancement in Technology?



Mar 23, 2024
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I have seen reports and news stories that claim that with the advancement in Internet and technology birds are dying and in a way, they are right because we don't see sparrows anymore now and earlier they used to be all over my house LOL. They say the radiation of smartphones and this 5G technology has really affected the birds.

Do you Believe Birds are dying being of Advancement in Technology?
I don't know about this though. I feel the we have houses and less trees, birds will definitely migrate to places they find more habitable. Over here in my area we still see birds a lot, especially my compound where we have trees and grasses close to us, there are days the place becomes too noisy due to birds making noise.
No, i don't think the radiation of phones and gadgets is enough to harm the birds, let alone kill them. The ones in your area probably migrated. Birds are not known for staying in one place.
No, i don't think the radiation of phones and gadgets is enough to harm the birds, let alone kill them. The ones in your area probably migrated. Birds are not known for staying in one place.
Yes especially if there are no trees around, they will quickly move to somewhere else where they can get access to trees and other natural things.
Yes especially if there are no trees around, they will quickly move to somewhere else where they can get access to trees and other natural things.
Exactly. Once the trees are cut there's no place for birds to stay.
These days with how lots of constructions and developments going on, there have been lots of decrease in trees lately.
In my opinion, this is quite real because it even affects people, but we simply do not feel it and, in my opinion, our descendants will feel it. Perhaps the birds will not die, but it can certainly cause them various diseases
No I did not believe that birds are dying because of the advancement in technology I think it because of we have less trees🎄 around our houses and compound that's why they migrate to where tree's are available for them to live their lives the way they like
I have not heard or read about findings from a research study that our technology is a threat to works of nature like birds. Birds have their own habitat but I will do research to backup your contention. In. case true, the world leaders must take action to stop the problem.
It's still a debatable topic but we have seen lesser number of birds now and earlier on we used to see birds flying at least in the morning and chirping
In my place I always see birds flying. I place a feeder in the edge of our fence and numerous birds are eating the feeds almost 50 of them or more every morning between 7 and 8. Others in the afternoon. I feed them yellow corn crushed.
I guess its a mix of both because these days we don't see many trees either and birds are mostly found nearby trees
I have also seen such stories posted on social media but I don't think these are real and technology is not killing any birds.