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Do you allow change of username?

Ja sa bong


Sep 23, 2023
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There are some forum users that would wake up one day to ask for their username to be changed. Do you have room to allow for a username change upon request by the member or is it written in your terms of service that there's no changing of usernames once you've completed registration?
We allow users to change their username once every 30 days on DH at the moment. It’s a XF default feature and I haven’t felt the need to change it yet. I don’t think there is anything wrong with allowing username changes. People like a change every once in a while and not giving them the option to do so is unnecessary. Username changes too often is a whole different story and in which case I think it is justified to deny one.
Yep I allow my users to change their names if they want to. I know there are some communities that don't allow it though.
Yes, but I charge them forum currency if they do it too frequently (I realise it's annoying when members chop and change their usernames too often!)
Yeah since no point forcing them to create a new account just to have a new name...
I do, but I require them to be approved before the change so we don't get people changing their usernames to anything gross or offensive.
I allow it, but I would have to do it by hand and members do not know they if the can change a name or not. Anyway, I need a XenForo plugin for it. Any ideas?
I allow it, but I would have to do it by hand and members do not know they if the can change a name or not. Anyway, I need a XenForo plugin for it. Any ideas?
I'm pretty sure there is an add on you should check the add-ons section at the XenForo forum...
Social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and more allow users to change their usernames after 30 days. Forums should allow their members the same privilege too. It would be wrong to deny username change in forums.
As long as the person is not changing their username to anything that is offensive and insulting, they are permitted to do so. There is no way I'm going to prevent my members from changing the username whenever they feel like.
Maybe it's me, but I don't like the idea of changing usernames. Maybe I would allow on my forum to change it once.
Changing usernames often is like changing identity. And it's frustrating when you start making friends around forums and all of the sudden you don't know who is who.
I allow username changes on forums that I run, yes. I feel it is wise as you never know when someone may want to change their username for any reason.

I ensure they are all set for approval though so they are approved before they change so nothing offensive gets through.
Social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and more allow users to change their usernames after 30 days. Forums should allow their members the same privilege too. It would be wrong to deny username change in forums.
I believe that for that exact reasons(allowing username changes), there are so much scams on those platforms.
I believe that for that exact reasons(allowing username changes), there are so much scams on those platforms.

Yes, this is true. Most online scams are carried out on social media sites but if your careful with how you make use of them and not being greedy, it will be difficult for any of those scammers to get you.
I think it's a good idea to allow username changes upon request by the member. However, it is important to incorporate certain limitations or restrictions in place because it's weird if someone keeps changing their username every month or so.
I do not allow username changes. For me, I think it is because you are familiar with old people's usernames so if someone changes your username you take a period to recognize this member. This is my point of view only.
There are some forum users that would wake up one day to ask for their username to be changed. Do you have room to allow for a username change upon request by the member or is it written in your terms of service that there's no changing of usernames once you've completed registration?

This is dependent on the reason for making such requests. Are you doing it because there is a contest going on, or is it for a different reason entirely? If it is for fun, then I don't see any reason to be letting the change of name happen on forums unless you are doing it for fun purposes only.
This is dependent on the reason for making such requests. Are you doing it because there is a contest going on, or is it for a different reason entirely? If it is for fun, then I don't see any reason to be letting the change of name happen on forums unless you are doing it for fun purposes only.
It is a valid reason for username changes for a contest like what happens in Bizdustry as a recent contest event for Halloween or Christmas. Later the user could choose to go back to the old username or keep the new one.
There should be conditions to change a username on a forum. It should not be what member will come at any time to ask for a change. It should be once in 2 to 3 months at least.
I use open source forum management software, I have used default setting on my forums and I have not explored too many features on these software, therefore, I do not know if change of username is possible or not. However, I have no issue with members changing usernames in case this feature is already available on my forums.
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