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Do Yo Like To Lend Money To Anyone Who Needs help?



Mar 23, 2024
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There are many in my office that will ask for money and promise to return on a said date but a few are those that never pay you back and have done that a couple of times with me so I don't like to lend money to them and if its some other person then I don't mind helping and I expect them to repay me back as per their committed date.

Do Yo Like To Lend Money To Anyone Who Needs help?
I don't mind lending money to friends or relatives, but I have to know clear terms when they will return it to me. I would not like to just give the money and wait for many years and hear their promises that very soon they will return the money to me
It will depend on the situation..who is asking for it? What's my reading and reputation about the person? And also the reason why they are asking? I am helpful but I am a bit cautious about lending money. If it's a very small amount, I am not so cautious.
There are many in my office that will ask for money and promise to return on a said date but a few are those that never pay you back and have done that a couple of times with me so I don't like to lend money to them and if its some other person then I don't mind helping and I expect them to repay me back as per their committed date.

Do Yo Like To Lend Money To Anyone Who Needs help?
Yes off course i will lend money to any one who needs help but I will make sure i give something that I am Up to even though you did not returns back I will not feel upset because most of people seems to be wicked these days
No, I have made a rule not to lend money or borrow money from people. I have experienced that people don't return money on time, and it's difficult for you to get your money back, so it's better not to lend your money. I have also been asked to lend money to the coluegues, but I never did.
If the need is urgent and important then I won't hesitate to lend money. There were 3 of them however only one has able to pay me, the two never. They're not bothered with their conscience. The money they borrowed was not small. It's almost 4 years now. I never lend anyone again. I lost trust to humanity.
Once my husband lend some good amount to his cousin who was in really bad financial situation. Now he is doing good financially but he never bothered to return back in the last seven years. They are going to vacations and everything but not returning our money. During Covid, he called back again to ask for some money for his child's education. My husband politely and firmly declined and reminded him of the last one to be paid. He has been bad mouthing about us everywhere since then. He can go for vacation and buy branded stuffs. But can't afford his child's education. Now, they don't recognise us when we meet in any family function.
Once my husband lend some good amount to his cousin who was in really bad financial situation. Now he is doing good financially but he never bothered to return back in the last seven years. They are going to vacations and everything but not returning our money. During Covid, he called back again to ask for some money for his child's education. My husband politely and firmly declined and reminded him of the last one to be paid. He has been bad mouthing about us everywhere since then. He can go for vacation and buy branded stuffs. But can't afford his child's education. Now, they don't recognise us when we meet in any family function.
There are people like them ingrate. After helping them heartily they never bother themselves to pay us. I cannot fathom the mindset that they have. Then if we keep on reminding them, it's us they condemn arrogant and thoughtless. They are good at making a dramatic scene.
@Scorpion I totally agree with you. They have already lost their touch with ethics and morality. They can stoop to any low, one can't even imagine the bottom they might reach. So, better to cut them off from your connections and ignore them if they ever come across in some situation. It is better for our mental peace.
I don't mind lending out money to those who need it, the most important is that I have enough to help out.
I am always for helping the genuine ones. I prefer to donate my money or time to people who are actually needy. I am associated with few organisation as volunteer. I give some time for social services there and also donate funds from time to time. I feel better that way to give money for some noble cause than lending it to some ungrateful and dishonest people.
It all depends on who’s asking and who needs it because I only loan money to family members & certain friends these days.
I don't mind lending money to those who need help but I have also done that in the past and ended up burned and not received the money back. I am pretty cautious now as to who I lend money to and usually only do it now for those I know I will get it back from.
I don't mind lending out money to those who need it, the most important is that I have enough to help
I am always for helping the genuine ones. I prefer to donate my money or time to people who are actually needy. I am associated with few organisation as volunteer. I give some time for social services there and also donate funds from time to time. I feel better that way to give money for some noble cause than lending it to some ungrateful and dishonest people.
When l am in the position to help l really don't hesitate on doing that
Exactly, if I can help I would help. If I can't then there is really notting I can do.
Exactly, if I can help I would help. If I can't then there is really notting I can do.
I have learnt it through experience that I would never go overboard in helping someone financially. I will do what can be comfortably done in my capacity. I am not going to go in a financial crisis to help others. My precious hard earned money has to go to a genuine person as a charity or with a belief that it's coming back to me.
No, I have made a rule not to lend money or borrow money from people. I have experienced that people don't return money on time, and it's difficult for you to get your money back, so it's better not to lend your money. I have also been asked to lend money to the coluegues, but I never did.
I am also not lending money to anyone and don't ask anyone for money but there are times when I feel bad after denying money.
I am also not lending money to anyone and don't ask anyone for money but there are times when I feel bad after denying money.
I can understand that and relate to it. By God's grace, I have never faced a situation where I have to ask for financial help. So far I have managed on my own with our financial budget . Except for places where friends/ colleagues have paid for something. I am quick to return it back before it slips out of my mind
@Scorpion I totally agree with you. They have already lost their touch with ethics and morality. They can stoop to any low, one can't even imagine the bottom they might reach. So, better to cut them off from your connections and ignore them if they ever come across in some situation. It is better for our mental peace.
Yeah that is the best thing to do to say no impulsively to ingrate people. The time comes they will come back to us shamelessly but in my case, they already fooled me once, and they cannot fool me in the second time. They have thick intestines.
I don't lend money to anyone. I have to discern that you genuinely need help and you have the capability to payback when I lend you money. Instead of lending most times, I rather give out the little I can afford to lose, even though it is not up to the amount the person desired to be lent.