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Did you have in the past a suicidal thought?

I agree with you, only cowards attempt to commit suicide. They might also be weak to rationalise their situation. That was what I felt when my heart was broken as if I saw nothing except the scene of the betrayal and confession of my ex. I'm thankful to God for his mercy and glory. Amen to this.
The kind of people we associate with also matters as well. We seriously need to be careful who we have around us, they have the power to influence.
There have been incidences where a very strong person has also ended up life. So, it's not about mental strength only. It's very tricky to understand human behaviour. In some moments, the emotions overpower other logics and people take such steps. There might be some weak moments where one despite being otherwise very strong minded can give up.
There are incidences where people have suicidal tendencies despite having no major issues. One should not hush hush the real problem. Don't feel depressed is the most hurtful advice one can give to a person who has tendency to fall for depression
The kind of people we associate with also matters as well. We seriously need to be careful who we have around us, they have the power to influence.
That is right, and I am a choosy type of person. I do not like negative minded, toxic, arrogant, dramatic that has no good effect. Some people that I have met and became friends matched with my mindset positive, enthusiastic, hardworking, and never easily give up.
That is right, and I am a choosy type of person. I do not like negative minded, toxic, arrogant, dramatic that has no good effect. Some people that I have met and became friends matched with my mindset positive, enthusiastic, hardworking, and never easily give up.
The kind of people you make friends with matters a lot. The moment we associate our self with the wrong set of persons, it would affect our growth in every other aspect of our lives.
The kind of people you make friends with matters a lot. The moment we associate our self with the wrong set of persons, it would affect our growth in every other aspect of our lives.
There are people like that and we cannot blame them. They feel their burden is too heavy that they cannot anymore find a solution except to end everything including their lives. It is only God's intervention that stops others from doing it, those who keep on praying.
There are people like that and we cannot blame them. They feel their burden is too heavy that they cannot anymore find a solution except to end everything including their lives. It is only God's intervention that stops others from doing it, those who keep on praying.
Indeed, they feel that's the best or right thing to do. Whenever we find people who are in such situations, we should constantly put them into prayers.
@MamaFrankie . Thanks for sharing your personal experience. It's not easy to share such things and you need a lot of courage to do that. I am sorry that you had to go through all these. I totally agree that it's not easy to take away your life. It's not cowardly at all. Human emotions and psychology can be tricky to understand ar times. Please take care of yourself. You are precious and enough the way you are.
Indeed, they feel that's the best or right thing to do. Whenever we find people who are in such situations, we should constantly put them into prayers.
The 16 year old kid of my friend committed suicide after his father shamed him in front of his classmates. He was graduating that time so they always had graduation practices. His father went to school and scolded him harshly that the kid didn't find solace to his shame so he went home and hanged himself to death in his bedroom using his blanket.
The 16 year old kid of my friend committed suicide after his father shamed him in front of his classmates. He was graduating that time so they always had graduation practices. His father went to school and scolded him harshly that the kid didn't find solace to his shame so he went home and hanged himself to death in his bedroom using his blanket.
That's the generation we are in today, kids these days don't know how to take and accept discipline. Once you discipline them, they take it as you hating them.
I have had suicidal thoughts in the past. There are so many times that life becomes so messed up and I was not even sure of anything else and thoughts of running into the road to be run over by a car came to my mind. Somehow, I didn't take the action and I am grateful I didn't because my life is better now.
That's the generation we are in today, kids these days don't know how to take and accept discipline. Once you discipline them, they take it as you hating them.
Some kids are smart and they are friends with their parents which is why they are always open to their problems, unlike those parents who do not even communicate with their kids. The kids need attention and care from parents. It is one reason why kids prefer to ell their problems to their best friends.
I have thoughts like that many years back but I feel only those commit suicide that does not have faith in God/Guru/Parmatama/ Rabb/ Bhagwaan/ Narayan

What was the reason , you had such thoughts in your mind, in the past? I never had such thoughts ever in my mind. I have always faced difficult time bravely and even if I lost I never thought of committing suicide.
There are people who have suicidal thoughts. They need support and connection that could divert their minds to a brighter side. The more they feel aggressive to commit suicide if they are alone. They seek comfort and understanding to be able to realize the value of life. They have this kind of thought because of depression.
There are people who have this chronic disorder to be suicidal. They don't need any drastically devastating situations to cause such thoughts. They can have such thoughts even when things around are in normal condition. We might not relate to them and find them crazy. But let's be sensitive. They need a lot of emotional and mental support from friends, family and people around.
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