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Did you have a toy that you dreamed about as a child, but you never bought it?

My dream of toys when I was still a child is enormous and there is no way my parents will be able to buy all of the toys that I wanted because there was plenty of them which are expensive too. They did manage to buy me some of the toys I wanted which made my childhood to be memorable as I was very happy for that.
My dream of toys when I was still a child is enormous and there is no way my parents will be able to buy all of the toys that I wanted because there was plenty of them which are expensive too. They did manage to buy me some of the toys I wanted which made my childhood to be memorable as I was very happy for that.
I also wanted a lot and I even understood a little bit that my parents wouldn't be able to buy me all of them, so I had to choose the best and preferably the cheapest one, but one that I could enjoy for a long time.
I also wanted a lot and I even understood a little bit that my parents wouldn't be able to buy me all of them, so I had to choose the best and preferably the cheapest one, but one that I could enjoy for a long time.

I know that there are some kids who are not fortunate to even get a single toys when they were growing up but I managed to get some of the toys that I wanted. As a result of that, I never put any much pressure on my parents because I was brought up well at a very young age to understand that life is not always a bed of roses.
Yes, there were many. A specific toy gun was one of them. I was told not to get it because it is dangerous. I understood that is right when I grew up and never tried to buy it.
I had exactly the same situations and I also understand that they were right because if they had bought me then I would have definitely injured myself. And they also told me that there is so much evil in the world and I don't need more weapons, even toy ones, because that would make me a cruel person
When I was little, I desperately wanted one of those Deluxe Barbie Dream Houses. I pored over the catalog images and begged my parents for one every holiday. However, with a modest income and multiple kids, it was simply too expensive of a toy. While disappointed at the time, I now understand and appreciate that my parents made reasonable choices.
Sure! I didn't buy them because my parents didn't give me the money. lol
Hahaha same here, I had to improvise though. I started cutting forms form chairs then cut them the shape of humans, though no fingers and faces, but I would paint them with ink to make it look like spiderman, superman and the likes. They where always shouting at me for cutting the forms though 😂
Hahaha same here, I had to improvise though. I started cutting forms form chairs then cut them the shape of humans, though no fingers and faces, but I would paint them with ink to make it look like spiderman, superman and the likes. They where always shouting at me for cutting the forms though 😂
Now that's what I call creativity! Why buy toys when you can just make them right from home?

Daily Poll: Which universe do you prefer?

  • Marvel

    Votes: 1 33.3%
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