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  • We have now changed the post count rule to post your website in the Website Directory and the Member Showcase to 10, this was previously 50 but we felt it was too high. You can read more about this change here >>> https://discussionhub.net/threads/update-of-rules-for-the-member-showcase.4356/

Feedback Cost of Discussion Hub VIP

I have taken a look at the price, how much each member gets per post and thread when it comes to the currency as well and have dropped the price to 200 Hub Coins :)

I have also taken a look at the VIP group and have made changes to that and added more for VIP members :)

Let me know if there are any other issues or if you run into any issues when you purchase the VIP item :)


Daily Poll: Which minor inconvenience annoys you the most?

  • Slow walkers blocking the sidewalk

    Votes: 2 50.0%
  • Forgetting why you walked into a room

    Votes: 1 25.0%
  • A single sock disappearing in the laundry

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Your phone battery dying at 1%

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other (reply with your answer)

    Votes: 1 25.0%
  • Theme customization system

    You can customize some areas of the forum theme from this menu

    Choose the color that reflects your taste

    Wide/Narrow view

    You can control a structure that you can use to use your theme wide or narrow.

    Grid view forum list

    You can control the layout of the forum list in a grid or ordinary listing style structure.

    Picture grid mode

    In the grid forum list, you can control the structure where you can open/close images.

    Close sidebar

    You can get rid of the crowded view in the forum by closing the sidebar.

    Fixed sidebar

    You can make it more useful and easier to access by pinning the sidebar.

    Corner radius close

    You can use the radius at the corners of the blocks according to your taste by closing/opening it.
