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TV Database ChäoS;Child (2017)

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0.00/5 0 Votes

Genre: Animation,Sci-Fi & Fantasy,Mystery

First aired:

Last air date:

Show status: Ended

Overview: ChäoS;Child takes place in October 2015, six years after the events of ChäoS;HEAd. Abnormal events begin to occur in Shibuya district, including mysterious deaths.

Where to watch


    • Yoshitsugu Matsuoka

      Takuru Miyashiro (voice)
    • Sumire Uesaka

      Serika Onoe (voice)
    • Sarah Emi Bridcutt

      Nono Kurusu (voice)
    • Suzuko Mimori

      Hinae Arimura (voice)
    • Inori Minase

      Yuki Yamazoe (voice)
    • Sayaka Nakaya

      Hana Kazuki (voice)
    • Asami Sanada

      Mio Kunosato (voice)
Show information in first post provided by The Movie Database
Heads or Tails
Season: 1
Episode: 8
Air date: 2017-03-01

After Yui's death, Takuru's family tries its best to recover. Kurusu makes a shocking admission to Takuru that she's been hiding something from him ever since he met her. She's willing to do anything to find the killer, and she's getting very, very close...

Man, they really fumbled Kurusu's arc from the visual novel. lol Easily the most rushed storyline yet (though at least it gets included; I'm pretty sure Arimura and Uki's storylines were just completely cut).

Still, there were some things that were well done, very minor editing stuff, specifically the ending where Takuru figured out what the noise he's hearing was. The scene with Itou's not bad either. Small accomplishments, but with this anime, you take what you can get.
Season: 1
Episode: 9
Air date: 2017-03-08

Kurusu has tracked down the identity of the killer, and revealed her secret to Takuru. Now she goes to the school to meet with the one behind all the murders.

And just rushing through plotlines from the visual novel again. Kurusu's eponymous duel with Serika barely take up half the episode. lol Most of it is just devoted to the final part of the common route that explores Serika's past.
Memories Stalk You From the Past
Season: 1
Episode: 10
Air date: 2017-03-15

Takuru is forced to confront his own involvement in the case, and the secrets of his past. He was a neglected and abused child, who turned to an imaginary friend for support. This decision has terrible consequences during the Shibuya Earthquake.

Welp, looks like the anime has progressed far enough into the storyline that it has enough episodes to cover the rest of the Common Route. We get a detailed look into Serika's past that the visual novel merely described by text, so that's a small addition this anime has over the game.
Takuru Miyashiro
Season: 1
Episode: 11
Air date: 2017-03-22

"Let's meet at the place where it all began." The true plot is revealed as Takuru travels to the Hikariwo. There he meets the other person behind the series of brutal killings. But a deeper mystery lurks in the background: what Serika is telling him doesn't make sense, and he's convinced that as horrible as the story is, there's more to it than even he knows.

As I've previously mentioned, obviously, most of the budget went into the end of the Common Route in the visual novel, as can be seen by the amount of screentime dedicated to Sakuma here. Even then, it's still a little rushed as Sakuma didn't get to work that much of his mojo here. Let's hope the final episode of the series pays off.

Sakuma's fight in Chaos;Child's visual novel though was amazing because of the visual novel OP playing at the climax, but obviously, that's not going to happen here in the anime adaptation, but maybe they could pull off something similar next episode, but with the anime OP instead.

I do like Arimura's reaction to Takuru here leaving to fight Sakuma, but it doesn't feel earned because of how much her arc has been skipped. Ah well, at least they tried.
Serika Onoe
Season: 1
Episode: 12
Air date: 2017-03-29

The final battle takes place in the Hikariwo theater, where Takuru is trapped in a sightless and soundless prison in his own mind. He'll need Onoe's help to break free, but after what he knows about her, can he bring himself to ask for it?

Probably the best episode of the series, but that's not saying much. The use of a violin-composed instrumental version of "Hijitsuzai Seishounen" during the Sakuma fight was great, probably making the fight even better than the one in the visual novel. Takuru's farewell to Serika was also endearing and done well. Again, you can see where the producers saved their screentime for. Still, a pretty decent conclusion to a mid anime.

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