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Can somebody be calm and mad at the same time?


Active Contributor

Nov 12, 2023
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Have you been in a situation where something happened which made you mad but at the same time, you're being calm about it? A lot of people can't manage themselves well in this kind of situation because one will get the better of them.

Have you ever been calm and mad at the same time?
Yes, I think it's possible for someone to be calm and mad at the same time. I've been there. It's about mastering your emotional control.
Personally, I don't think I can be calm and mad at the same time. I don't have such manipulative control over my emotions. If I'm mad, I'm mad and I'll show it.
Yes, it is possible to experience a mix of calmness and anger simultaneously. It often occurs when we are able to maintain emotional composure while feeling frustrated or upset about a particular situation. This emotional balance can be challenging to achieve but can help us make more rational decisions and handle the situation effectively.
Yes, it's possible for someone to be mad and calm all at once. It's not everyone that reacts too much whenever anything happens to them. There are those who know now to be calm in the face of anything, this makes it easier for them to pull this off.
Personally, I don't think I can be calm and mad at the same time. I don't have such manipulative control over my emotions. If I'm mad, I'm mad and I'll show it.

It's a good skill which is perfected by those who are not impulsive. If you're very impulsive, it will be difficult to control your emotions when being provoked.
It's a good skill which is perfected by those who are not impulsive. If you're very impulsive, it will be difficult to control your emotions when being provoked.
The only impulsiveness in me used to be on buying something. I used to be a big impulsive buyer. I would never think things through before buying them because I have the money to spend all the time. This was I started thinking having money all the time isn't good if you're an impulsive buyer. If it's about my emotions when I'm angry, I can keep it under control always.
Have you been in a situation where something happened which made you mad but at the same time, you're being calm about it? A lot of people can't manage themselves well in this kind of situation because one will get the better of them.

Have you ever been calm and mad at the same time?

Well, it is difficult to know when I am clearly angry. I don't want to be in situations where I show my anger at all. I can be pretty angry about something, but will do everything within my power to ensure that the situation doesn't get worse as it should be.
Yes, it's possible for someone to be mad and calm all at once. It's not everyone that reacts too much whenever anything happens to them. There are those who know now to be calm in the face of anything, this makes it easier for them to pull this off.
People could classify someone different from them to be a mad person. In reality, this is not always true. Sometimes some brilliant students could be called mad people from lazy students and do the most they can do to present themselves as mad and calm people.
I would say someone can be calm and mad at the same time. I have been in situations where I have been mad at someone but I have managed to stay calm during that time to not instigate or make things worse.

It is times when something is annoying me and making me angry and I leave it without saying anything, it becomes too much and I get angry at the same time without staying calm. That is an issue I try to stay clear of if I can.
People could classify someone different from them to be a mad person. In reality, this is not always true. Sometimes some brilliant students could be called mad people from lazy students and do the most they can do to present themselves as mad and calm people.
You're right about how some people would label something or someone different from them to be alien or bad. This is a common trait in human being. This is why I don't compare myself with other people or entertain such kind of discussion. If someone is mad because what another person did to them made them angry, they have the right to be angry and not judged.
I would say someone can be calm and mad at the same time. I have been in situations where I have been mad at someone but I have managed to stay calm during that time to not instigate or make things worse.

It is times when something is annoying me and making me angry and I leave it without saying anything, it becomes too much and I get angry at the same time without staying calm. That is an issue I try to stay clear of if I can.

Yeah, this is an issue where you are very angry for something that happened, but you are doing your best to avoid being confrontation. It can make someone become pretty angry, and that has not been helpful at all for anyone. So, I feel that if one can be calm at that point and handle what is at hand, it can make everyone be at peace.
Yeah, this is an issue where you are very angry for something that happened, but you are doing your best to avoid being confrontation. It can make someone become pretty angry, and that has not been helpful at all for anyone. So, I feel that if one can be calm at that point and handle what is at hand, it can make everyone be at peace.
There are a lot of methods to control your anger and fear. The first thing is respiration. Taking a long respiration and doing some yoga meditation instead of thinking of bad habits like smoking could reduce your fear and anger. Another is to write on white paper anger feelings and then cut these papers and place them into the trash.
There are a lot of methods to control your anger and fear. The first thing is respiration. Taking a long respiration and doing some yoga meditation instead of thinking of bad habits like smoking could reduce your fear and anger. Another is to write on white paper anger feelings and then cut these papers and place them into the trash.

I don't do yoga, but I am mindful of the things that I say when I am feeling angry. Words said can't be taken back, and that is the reason anyone that is feeling angry should try to shut their mouth up and not mess things up with their words. I will also try the act of writing my anger feelings on paper, too.
Calmness and madness are opposing force. They do not exist at the same time just like the day and night do not exist at the same time. However, you can of course pretend to be calm when you are mad, or you can pretend to be mad when you are actually calm. A lot of people pretend calmness and madness.
I don't do yoga, but I am mindful of the things that I say when I am feeling angry. Words said can't be taken back, and that is the reason anyone that is feeling angry should try to shut their mouth up and not mess things up with their words. I will also try the act of writing my anger feelings on paper, too.

Even if you're able to take back those harsh words said to another person when you are mad by apologising, the person whom you have cut with your words will never forget it. Those words will be ringing in their head for ever. This is why it's said to bite your words before saying it out to others.
Yes it is very possible for someone to be mad and calm at the same time. In most cases, I have seen this happen when the person is extremely angry and don't even know how to express themselves.
I believe the ability to remain calm when being provoked is a skill not everyone have. I can't particularly say I'm like that, but I try as much as possible not to flair up over the slightest provocations. And that has helped me gain the reputation of 'cool, calm and collected.' 😊
Staying calm no matter the level of provocation is very vital and it is something that comes as a person matures. You would always be mad. People would always make you mad and if you refuse to stay calm, you would run into lot's of troubles.
I don't know if this is possible because I can be angry, but just don't show it and behave calmly, but inside I will definitely not be calm and when the moment is right I will release this anger and preferably not on a living person