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Debate Can science and religion co-exist?


Off The Mark

Oct 6, 2023
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Science and religion have contradicting principles, such as the evolution theory, which poses the question: can science and religion co-exist? Why or why not?
It depends how devoted they are religiously or scientifically those on the far sides will never agree to disagree.
It depends how devoted they are religiously or scientifically those on the far sides will never agree to disagree.
Can you really count yourself as a religious person if you believe in the big bang theory for example?
I believe any person, movement, belief can co-exist if they show respect for one another & honor the Agree to Disagree. But does this happen? Sadly, that's a No. Too many people are set in their ways & have blinders on.
Science and religion have contradicting principles, such as the evolution theory, which poses the question: can science and religion co-exist? Why or why not?
Science relies on empirical evidence obtained through observation, experimentation, and the scientific method. It seeks to explain natural phenomena based on testable and verifiable data.

Religion relies on sacred texts, traditions, and personal experiences as sources of evidence. These are not empirically testable or verifiable in the same way scientific evidence is.

Evolutionary theory is exactly that; a theory. All science is theoretical and based on evidential criteria. The existence (or not) of gods is based on evidential criteria insofar as there isn’t any evidence.

Science and religion can co-exist as they do co-exist already. The difference is that scientists don’t go around killing people who don’t believe their particular theories. The killing each other bit is reserved for religious types.
I don't believe that science can co exist with religion given that both negate each other. But people can practice science and religion with a warped mindset that it is God that gives the knowledge to the scientist. I am neutral on this.
When science says, bring the proofs. Religion says just believe that it exists even if there is no proofs. Science and religion just doesn't work together because their foundations are distinctly varied. Most people that are at the extreme of any of both ends completely despises the other.
I think religion and science have been getting along for ages, and there's no reason they can't keep it up. While I do enjoy listening to a science vs. religion debate now and then, I'm not one to jump into the fray myself. I prefer to keep my thoughts on the matter private. :)

It is a big debate and unfortunately, it doesn't end successfully. Because each one is stuck to his religious background. No one gives the other reason behind its decision.
Science and religion have co-existed for years, however this is not a let's meet in the middle type of thing, either you believe in the evolution theory or you don't. I will say this a matter where we can agree to disagree.. and move on! :)
Can anyone believe in big bang and Darwin's evolution theory and also how God created Adam and Eve and they populated the earth at the same time? Well, I don't think so. You will have to choose the side. But then you can become spiritualist as well as a man of science at the same time.
Religion was science once. Then politicians thought of using to their benefit. That is where bad things got into it.

Modern science knows little. Humans have a history of a few thousand years.
What we have in my country are people that just practice science to eke out a living and don't believe in it one bit. There are professors of science that are religious leaders. I just know that from their teaching, they are pro faith than pro proofs, meaning that their science profession is just to earn a living.
Faith is doing something and expecting good things to happen. As simple as that.

The moment we let humans define god and speak for god, things turn ugly.
In my opinion I don't think it's possible. When it comes to science, there needs to be proof or facts, it is these proofs that backs you up. Which means a person of science cannot believe anything until he has been given facts beyond every reasonable doubt. Religion on the other hand has to do with faith and beliefs. A person of religion does not need to see facts to believe it.
That is not correct. Science is not all accurate. I studied advanced Physics for 5 years. I can tell you that there are a lot of assumptions involved. There are a lot of inaccuracies and many theorems were proved wrong after a few decades of them being the base of everything. We cannot even predict the weather accurately.

If you ask a surgeon, he will tell you that it is all in the hands of god. That does not mean that someone else is overseeing. It is simply the way people try to be confident and comfortable.

The more you learn, the less you believe in the accuracy of science and more you believe in things beyond our control.
People will have different views and it's interesting to watch such debates as long as people on both sides are tolerant for other's views. People on both sides have their justification. Science needs evidences to believe anything. Religion is based on faith and trust.
We know of Einstein, world's greatest scientist and we have read in many places that he believed in the existence of a Supreme Power who created this Universe.
Science and religion have existed since ages and they will keep to exist as long as human rade is there.
That is not correct. Science is not all accurate. I studied advanced Physics for 5 years. I can tell you that there are a lot of assumptions involved. There are a lot of inaccuracies and many theorems were proved wrong after a few decades of them being the base of everything. We cannot even predict the weather accurately.

If you ask a surgeon, he will tell you that it is all in the hands of god. That does not mean that someone else is overseeing. It is simply the way people try to be confident and comfortable.

The more you learn, the less you believe in the accuracy of science and more you believe in things beyond our control.
Very true, but this also brings us to the fact that not everyone agrees to this. There are still a lot of people who have refused to learn to the level where they finally begin to understand that there are things beyond science explanation or there are does who knows this still choose to not accept that there is a higher power at play here.