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Bleep Test


Off The Mark

Oct 3, 2023
Reaction score
How many have taken the bleep test? Most fitness tests here, if you are wanting to serve with the Police or military require you to have a certain level of fitness (level) with the bleep test. To put it simply, it's where you are required to run in between two bleeps.
I've never taken one but it would be interesting to see if I would pass it or not.
Never have done it but would have been interested to see result. Myself, I took martial arts during my school years but I had too many medical problems to enter the military.
I've never taken a bleep test. I'm not into any kind of professional sports playing which would require me doing that.
I've never in my life tried it once. Nothing will take me to having a bleep test. I don't actively engage in any kind of sports, I don't have to take any bleep test.
I just learned something new! The Bleep Test. Had to google that one. Nope never took one.
This is also my first time of hearing about this Bleep Test. It's very new to me, I don't think there's anything that will have me taking such a test.
Well, I do not know what bleep tests are, never heard this term. However, I have never gone fitness test. That's because I never applied to any thing (sports, police, military, etc.) that required fitness test. Is bleep test just about running, or does it also include other things to test your fitness? I will have to look int this.
The bleep test, or the multi-stage fitness test, is a brutal yet brilliant way to assess cardiovascular fitness. I've had to take it more times than I can count, whether for school fitness tests, sports team tryouts, or just personal fitness evaluations. It's a love-hate relationship . you dread that incessant beeping sound increasing in frequency, but feel an incredible sense of accomplishment with each level completed.