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Being Obese



Mar 24, 2024
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One of the concerns of today's generation is the increasing number of people of all ages who are overweight. From childhood, the parents have to ensure that their children lead a healthy lifestyle and follow good habits to prevent overweight.
One to overcome this is to monitor what the children are eating, instead of giving them junk for snacks, give them healthy food and also engage them in sports activities to keep them active.
I don't believe in fat shaming. However, being too fat can be bad for your health, given certain conditions. Anyway, though, what is too big is very subjective when it comes to the eyes.
Many of today's children are fat and lazy and spend all of their time on social media and won't get off their big asses. No wonder so many are overweight.
To be perfectly honest, we must know that being obess can have a significant impact on your physical and mental health and that is why we should ensure that we fight obesity because it's a complex issue that is influenced by various kinds of factors which include genetics, lifestyle and we can also say that environment isa contributory factor too.
From by perspective, it is very necessary to remember that obesity is not a personal choice, sometimes it is ack of will power. There are often different factors that play a very significant role and that need to be addressed with passion and understanding.
I realized that society and perceptions of obesity can be very judgmental and to some extent, it is a stigmatizing condition. It is important to promote body positivity and also to focus on health rather than the weight that is involved in obesity.
It is also crucial to know that being obese is associated with an increase risk of various health conditions and this includes heart.disease, diabetes and joint problems. Believe it or not, addressing obesity through lifestyle changes is one of the things to put into consideration and we also need a professional support and also help to improve the overall health of someone who is obese.
It is funny to know that societal norms and unrealistic standards can be a contributory Factor to the feelings of shame and inadequacy for individuals that are struggling with this kind of condition and it is important to also remember that everyone deserves to be respected regardless of their size.
Addressing obesity is a very complex issue and it emcompasses not only the dietary aspect, exercises can also be used to address obesity and we must also know that it's.psychological as well. This is why the journey requires perseverance and support.
The problem with obesity is nutrition. Kids nowadays just EAT whatever they like and that makes them to gain weight unnecessarily. But then there is also the issue of genetics in which case the kids just take after their parents in being obese whether or not they eat too much.
I don't believe in fat shaming. However, being too fat can be bad for your health, given certain conditions. Anyway, though, what is too big is very subjective when it comes to the eyes.
Yes being overweight has its negative effect, it could also affect the organs. When there is too much fat, it could press important organs like the heart, liver and so on, which would lead to complications.
Being obese is not just about how you look it is also about your health. I dislike people whey the obese people preach about body positivity. Obesity has a lot of health concerns including diabetes and heart diseases. But then being skin thin is also very bad.