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Because you were feeling happy, did you tip a lot?

I do try to tip well in general as a way to support service workers, but I can't say my tipping is directly tied to my mood on any given day. When I'm feeling particularly happy or appreciative of good service, I may leave a bit more as a small gesture of gratitude. However, I aim to tip at least 20% for adequate service regardless of my personal mindset in the moment.
I do not waste money even when I am happy. If I do that will feel sorry later on. I tip just the amount that is appropriate. However, sometimes I help people with money, food and clothes and it makes me happy.
That is the best thing to do. It is always said that we should be careful of our actions when we are happy, so we don't end up regretting it. Tipping should be based on your financial capacity, not the mood at that time.
I only leave a tip when I see someone display so much dexterity in a particular service and I have extra funds with me. I don't go about doing random tips when I am not in the class of very rich people yet.
True, I tend to tip when I really enjoyed someone's service to me, and that's not something I experience everytime. So I don't have to be tipping every now and then. There's no funds!
No, even in moments of happiness, I never tip. You might consider me frugal. Why do people spend their hard-earned money on tips to other people? I dislike people who hang outside restaurants, asking tips from customers departing after their meal. In my point of view, this is equivalent to begging.
You may be mistaken there. Tipping is not giving to people that do not deserve it. Giving money to people because they ask for it is not tipping. Tipping is what you willingly give someone because you enjoyed their service. Have you not done that before?
My tipping has nothing to do with my mood and everything to do with the service received. Likewise, the taste of my food or arrival time if I just taken a taxi will not determine my tip to the wait staff or taxi driver, it is their service, overall attitude and professionalism that will determine the tip.

That's what I think.

A tip is given when someone does good work. And in the case of a service provider, it's about how the service was provided. I seldom pay a tip but give it when I realize that the service was extremely good
That's what I think.

A tip is given when someone does good work. And in the case of a service provider, it's about how the service was provided. I seldom pay a tip but give it when I realize that the service was extremely good
That's how it should be. The tipping should not be based on your personal emotions, but on the services of the service providers. Otherwise one would end up draining the wallet everytime they are happy?

Daily Poll: Which universe do you prefer?

  • Marvel

    Votes: 1 25.0%
  • DC

    Votes: 3 75.0%
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