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Bath or shower?


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Sep 23, 2023
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Bath or shower - which do you prefer?

Shower all day for me. It’s much more convenient.
shower. I just can't be dealing with all the relaxation baths come with.

it's also quicker and cleanerr
I shower always, taking bath is too long unless I'm not going anywhere. I shower through weekdays and bath on weekends.
If time isn't on my side to have a long bath, I'll just shower and get on with it. When I'm back from where I went to, then I would have the time to take a long bath.
Showers. The only time I take a bath is once or twice in the Winter.
Other than that I prefer taking showers.
I have no time for baths any more. A shower is so much quicker and practical.
Shower is my preferred way to freshen up in the morning before going to work while taking a bath is my preferred way to freshen up when I'm back from work. The day's stress at work requires a long bath to revive my body and soul. This is why showering doesn't do it for me when I'm back from work.
Shower is my preferred way to freshen up in the morning before going to work while taking a bath is my preferred way to freshen up when I'm back from work. The day's stress at work requires a long bath to revive my body and soul. This is why showering doesn't do it for me when I'm back from work.

While bathing is a very difficult experience, I always prefer to take my bath most of the time in the morning. The hack has always been to wake up very early and bath before it is 5:30 am. If you can adopt this, you will not see bathing as a difficult task in the morning.
While bathing is a very difficult experience, I always prefer to take my bath most of the time in the morning. The hack has always been to wake up very early and bath before it is 5:30 am. If you can adopt this, you will not see bathing as a difficult task in the morning.
A bath could be the best thing in the early morning but during the cold weather, you could reduce it even once every two days because you could have some kind of allergic because this is something very challenging due to the bad environment situation.
I prefer to take a shower always as it's more convenient and is an easier way to freshen up washing away all the dirt we collect while working throughout the day. It literally makes me feel fresh.
I prefer to take a shower always as it's more convenient and is an easier way to freshen up washing away all the dirt we collect while working throughout the day. It literally makes me feel fresh.

Taking a shower is good and fine, but it is also important to consider the benefits that comes with having a proper bath especially for those that are staying in regions where the weather is hot. There is a possibility of having a body odour when you don't take a proper bath.
Showering is what I like more. I don't have the patience to be in bathtub for too long. I like going in fast and out of there.
While bathing is a very difficult experience, I always prefer to take my bath most of the time in the morning. The hack has always been to wake up very early and bath before it is 5:30 am. If you can adopt this, you will not see bathing as a difficult task in the morning.
Yes, if you wake up very early in the morning, it will be easy for you to take a long bath and still have the time on your side to leave for work early. If you are having difficulty with waking up early in the morning, if you go on to take a bath, you will find yourself going late to work.
I completely agree that only a shower is suitable for every day, but those who have never used a bath will not understand what a pleasure it is and it is not just for washing, it is a very budget option for relaxation and you can spend many hours in the bath. But there is no doubt that it is not for every day
Bath or shower - which do you prefer?

Shower all day for me. It’s much more convenient.

I prefer showering because it's easy and doesn't take time like how bathing does. I can zap into the bathroom and out almost immediately.
If I have the time to take my bath instead of showering, I would take it because taking out time to have a good and a long bath does so many wonders for your body. I know some houses which doesn't have bathtub, those living in it can't have a bath.
It depends on my mood and time. If I am in a mood to relax and if I have time, I will prefer to have a bath, however, if I need to freshen up quickly and do not have time, I will choose to get a shower. Generally speaking, I take showers every day but I manage to take a bath only a couple of times in month.
Taking a bath is not what you can rush to do and if you try rushing to take your bath, it's as good as not taking the bath at all because you have just wasted your bathing water and soap. This is why when it's not suitable for me to take my bath, I will shower in peace.
Of course, when you are in a hurry, you cannot take a bath, but you can take a bath on the weekend, when you have a lot of free time and you can allocate it to relax in the bath and enjoy warm water, and not just wash yourself
This is why I don't bother too much when it comes to trying to take my bath in the morning because I know it's not the best time for me to do so. I have to reserve my night as the best time for me to take my bath when I'm back from work. I will take all the time I need to do my bath business.