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Debate Bad parenting


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Sep 23, 2023
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Is bad parenting a valid explanation for criminal behavior? Research suggests that a person’s early life experiences, including parenting, shape how they turn out in later life. Whose fault is criminal behaviour if the person was parented badly - the criminal or their parents?
I didn’t have a good childhood and I’m not a criminal. But if the parents are unfit the child should be removed from the home. I wish my parents gave me up. I could have had a better life as sad as that is.
I didn’t have a good childhood and I’m not a criminal. But if the parents are unfit the child should be removed from the home. I wish my parents gave me up. I could have had a better life as sad as that is.
I’m sorry to hear that. But like you said, not everyone with bad parenting becomes a criminal. I believe bad parenting is certainly a factor but not the sole reason or always the reason for criminal behaviour.
Is bad parenting a valid explanation for criminal behavior? Research suggests that a person’s early life experiences, including parenting, shape how they turn out in later life. Whose fault is criminal behaviour if the person was parented badly - the criminal or their parents?

There's a strong element of truth there. However, the problem is deeper than that. Kids have to deal with kids at school and even well raised kids often can't handle it. Well, one problem is some kids are emotionally weak and it's tough for parents to create strong children.

For instance, my parents taught me to be nice and not steal or disrespect people. However, they couldn't give me a feeling where I could overcome inferiority complexes or show me a way to be a leader and someone who can say no effectively.
Responsibility for criminal behavior lies with both the individual and society as a whole. I believe that parents cannot solely be blamed if their child chooses the path of committing crimes. Most people become criminals because they are not getting enough from the people who are ruling them. If all the basic necessities of a person are taken care of, no person would choose a negative path to earn a living.
Responsibility for criminal behavior lies with both the individual and society as a whole. I believe that parents cannot solely be blamed if their child chooses the path of committing crimes. Most people become criminals because they are not getting enough from the people who are ruling them. If all the basic necessities of a person are taken care of, no person would choose a negative path to earn a living.
Completely agree. Parents could provide everything for their children but they meet bad persons in school or on the street and could choose the wrong way to try some criminal tricks like drugs. This means you could even focus on your children's routine life but they don't know the right way.
Is bad parenting a valid explanation for criminal behavior? Research suggests that a person’s early life experiences, including parenting, shape how they turn out in later life. Whose fault is criminal behaviour if the person was parented badly - the criminal or their parents?

The truth is that anyone that decides to go into crime should be blamed. Life is not easy and have never been easy for anyone. So, it is either we decide to stick to obeying the law or we fall prey to the temptations of commiting crime. I can never blame bad parenting for that.
The truth is that anyone that decides to go into crime should be blamed. Life is not easy and have never been easy for anyone. So, it is either we decide to stick to obeying the law or we fall prey to the temptations of commiting crime. I can never blame bad parenting for that.
In life, if the children of policemen commit a crime they will not get laws applied to them because these policemen have friends everywhere in any police station, and then even if they decide enter to prison a report from a psychologic that this person is out of understand control and has psychologic issues and will go to the hospital for a small period then leave it. When a normal person commits a crime things differ.
Truth be told, parenting has a major role to play in the behaviour of a child when he eventually becomes an adult. When it is not gotten right in terms of impacting the proper values in a child, criminal tendencies is imminent. Some people would say peer pressure. But a properly patented child can't be easily influenced by peer pressure.
I believe some people are born criminals and some people are made criminals. I do not see justification of bad parenting for becoming criminal but I see how people end up becoming criminal if that had bad parents. I believe Nurture plays a huge role in nature and behavior of a person.
We say charity begins at home,so a child who isn't raised by biological parents may tend to misbehave , because he may feels that after all they are not his/her biological parents so have the right to do whatever they please. Also, on the side of the parents they won't want the child to be annoyed, so they tend to be soo permissive causing the child to go astray just like a sheep without shepherd.
I didn’t have a good childhood and I’m not a criminal. But if the parents are unfit the child should be removed from the home. I wish my parents gave me up. I could have had a better life as sad as that is.
You and me both, my so called mother and father were both unfit to be parents. Yes I got into all kinds of trouble as a child because I was angry at the world. One of my sisters got into trouble too, I spent time in jail also. I used to blame my "parents" but not anymore.
You and me both, my so called mother and father were both unfit to be parents. Yes I got into all kinds of trouble as a child because I was angry at the world. One of my sisters got into trouble too, I spent time in jail also. I used to blame my "parents" but not anymore.
People got to take responsibilities for the path they take. Parents might do people bad growing up but at adulthood, they are at liberty to make choices for themselves. And they must understand that they have to take responsibility for those choices.
What I have come to know is that this life has no formula. I have seen children who were raised by very high moral standards turn to criminality. And kids raised by very morally depraved parents turn out good. At the end of the day, it is all about a person's decisions and not parenting that is responsible for what a person turns out.
There is need to understand that not everyone will become bad or have poor attitude as a result of parenting. We need to know that there are kids that got better on their own and there are others that never bothered even as their parents did well to raise them well.

So, parenting also involves the kids understanding what is good and what is evil
The kind of parents a kid have will definitely affect his or her behavior but the family is mot the only agent of socialization of the child, it is just the first point of call. So even if a child lacks good parenting, he or she can still be good if the other agents of socialization socializes the person in a good way. It solely depends on the child to either turn good or bad.
I didn’t have a good childhood and I’m not a criminal. But if the parents are unfit the child should be removed from the home. I wish my parents gave me up. I could have had a better life as sad as that is.
I believe it is the responsibility of the parents to raise kids that will be useful to themselves and the society at large. In the event of that not happening, can one put all the blame on them? What if they tried their best but the kids are just determined to thread the wrong course?
Though its a lot easier to blame the parents, but the truth of the matter is that the parents can not be with the children ensuring that they do the right thing every single time. In the end it's the child who gets to make the choices.
Bad parenting have a bigger influence to make the kids turn to criminals or other bad crimes. I think parents have some influence on children. Though not all children who were given the good morals turn out to be better citizen. The choices to be better are left on the kids when they grow.