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  • This is a reminder to all members of Discussion Hub regarding the rules for the Member Showcase Forum in regards to bumping your thread! Please be sure to read the following announcement here >>> https://discussionhub.net/threads/important-regarding-member-showcase-bumps.3569/

August End of Summer Showdown Contest! More prize spaces and updated rules!

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I see many many more threads and some are not even getting enough responses. People are just posting more threads to get more points. And without getting enough response, the real motto of having a good discussion on forum is lost. Well, we are in mid month and changing rules now might not be accepted by many. But from next time, one can think of putting a daily limit on number of new threads that one can create.
I agree with @arunima25 . Whenever I open the site I see flood of the new threads and most of the threads are not worth. I would suggest admin to check these threads and think if they are to be given extra points then only should be awarded otherwise not.
It would be tough to decide whether it's worth or not. We don't have any set standards especially when it comes to general chat section, where one can discuss about anything and everything. Putting a limit to the number of threads in a day might be a better way.
@arunima25 this is not paid per post site so doing it won't be good. I think it's better to moderate the threads at least not the responses or set something so that we don't see similar type of threads again and again.
You have made a valid point here. Well, we all can give suggestions. Let's see what is good and workable according to the admin.
I think you guys are making it complicated for everyone, there are rules and they are for everyone and do you believe admin and staff are not checking the threads or comments posted before paying for that? I feel we should leave these things to the admin and staff and not keep complaining about this and that. They know best for the website and are running and managing websites from years and certainly more experienced than us. If you still feel you are better then I don't mind because I mostly ignore this thread as I already see so many useless kind of suggestions thrown to admin and staff.
@Ginger. You should have ignored it then. People are free to express it here. And no one is trying to prove themselves better than other. Forum sites are not the place. Somebody had a concern and they raised it. It's not about money for anyone here. But people come to forums for their own reasons. Some enjoy the interaction and they might have felt that it's not happening with so many threads being posted. So, a genuine concern was raised and few suggestions were made. It was not to personally target anyone or be rude. You could have easily ignored instead.
While we win some money here, it should not be all about money. Someone would just be posting uninteresting things because they want to get points. @Ginger, admins miss things and we as users have to point it out to them. We need to create a positive experience even as we look to make money.

And the best way is to "report" comments which you think are not appropriate, to the admin and leave it to them to take the decision. That's what users are supposed to do inspite of pointing out here by posting their comments.
@King Belieal . I totally agree with your viewpoint. Admin might get busy and not take notice of certain things. It's responsibility of the users here to make sure that things are not abused and misused. We want the decorum of the forum to be maintained and respected. We all have the unsaid responsibility to do so on any forums that we are part of. Money making is a motivation. But going only with that leads to many compromises.
I feel there has been some confusion regarding posts that are acceptable and posts that are not.

At Discussion Hub, we are looking for discussions that help engage members and give a base for discussions. We have noticed in the last few weeks that many are posting replies and threads just to increase their post or thread count which is not helping Discussion Hub at all. A lot of these have been reported and have been removed and the member has been contacted regarding the removal of their content.

Please remember that all content is to encourage discussion and engage members, making posts explaining what something is or writing blog-type threads is not what Discussion Hub is looking for.

If you have any questions, please be sure to fire them my way and I will get back to you, all reports are being dealt with as they come in and the content will be removed if we feel it is not up to standard.

Please remember, we offer these contests to give back to members who help Discussion Hub and we would hate to have to take these contests away.

Thank you.
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