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  • We have now changed the post count rule to post your website in the Website Directory and the Member Showcase to 10, this was previously 50 but we felt it was too high. You can read more about this change here >>> https://discussionhub.net/threads/update-of-rules-for-the-member-showcase.4356/

AMA Ask Stan

I loose over $150 each month on this site. As you can see, we don't run any ads or offer paid subscriptions, which means we're not generating any revenue. Despite the costs, we aim to keep the site free and accessible for everyone, which unfortunately results in a financial deficit each month.

This is 100% correct. On other forums I do run some ad's but I do not make money or break even from hosting and other costs associated with running them.

I am sorry to know it. Why have not you applied for Google adsense?
I have Adsense running on many of my other websites, I just decided not to run too many ads here. Id rather keep this a nice place for people to meet and enjoy a good conversation and not have to worry about ads.

That's fine. But I still would like you to adsense approval here so that whatever earnings you make here could be spend on paying users .
I think my oldest website is myGamer, which I created in 1996. Before that, I had gameunit.com, which I started in 1994 and then rebranded to myGamer in 1996.
you created website in 1996? Well, I was not even using internet back then.
Do you plan to introduce ads on this forum? I ask this question because you are giving away a lot of money on prizes and you are not even generating revenue.
I have Adsense running on many of my other websites, I just decided not to run too many ads here. Id rather keep this a nice place for people to meet and enjoy a good conversation and not have to worry about ads.
Do you mean you have other websites too? What are they? can you share it with us?
you created website in 1996? Well, I was not even using internet back then.
Do you plan to introduce ads on this forum? I ask this question because you are giving away a lot of money on prizes and you are not even generating revenue.
I might add some banner ads to our other sites, but not sure I will add any paid advertising.

Do you mean you have other websites too? What are they? can you share it with us?
Here is a list of a few sites we own:

Music Forums
Cats Forum
Dogs Forum
Depression Forum
HTML Forums
Horror Reviews
Design Forums
I might add some banner ads to our other sites, but not sure I will add any paid advertising.

Here is a list of a few sites we own:

Music Forums
Cats Forum
Dogs Forum
Depression Forum
HTML Forums
Horror Reviews
Design Forums
Looks like I am already a member on some of your sites.
By the way, if you consider buying forums and add to your impressive list of forums, you can consider me. I have mental health forum database, general discussion forum, and investment niche forum. :D
@Stan, what is your profession? Which professional field can we really associate you with?
I work in the IT field, handling everything from System Administration and design to SEO.
What would you like to be if given the opportunity to choose?
My mom passed away many years ago, but I can still clearly hear her telling me when I was growing up that she wanted me to be a doctor so I could take care of her when she got older. This is one of those memories that haunts me, and I really wish I had gone to school to become a doctor.
Why are you running this forum when you're not earning from it?
Not everything I do is about money. I enjoy running this forum.
I work in the IT field, handling everything from System Administration and design to SEO.

My mom passed away many years ago, but I can still clearly hear her telling me when I was growing up that she wanted me to be a doctor so I could take care of her when she got older. This is one of those memories that haunts me, and I really wish I had gone to school to become a doctor.

Not everything I do is about money. I enjoy running this forum.
Oh so sorry to hear this. Most times things don't always go the way we planned, but don't feel bad about it.

Daily Poll: Which universe do you prefer?

  • Marvel

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • DC

    Votes: 2 66.7%
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