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Are you scared of the dark?


Active Contributor

Nov 14, 2023
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Some people are scared of the dark, some people love the dark.
For me, I am scared of the dark. I have to have some form of light on in my room so I can sleep.

Are you scared of the dark?
As long as I'm with somebody else, I am good in the dark, however when alone all my lights must be on, whats the fear? I have no idea, the boogie man?? I can't explain it, but I do not like the dark.
I am not scared of the dark.

Actually prefer it
No and I can't understand anyone other than a young child being scared.
I cant say that I have ever been scared of the dark.
My brothers loved watching horror movies and playing horror video games when we were growing up. They made me so afraid of being in the dark because I always feel something were lurking there to get me.
No, not really scared of the dark. I do prefer to sleep with a dim room rather than pitch black with the exception of having a big migraine. Something about pitch black isn’t comforting to sleep in tbh.
There was no light in the stomach where I stayed in darkness for 9 solid long months before I was born. The first few days after my birth, I didn't see with my two eyes but I survived. What I'm trying to say is that I was already familiar with darkness from birth, I have never been afraid of it.
I'm scared of the dark only after watching a scary movie. I don't get sleep during those nights without having the lights of my room, on. :p I feel like there's someone around me or there would be a face in front of me if I open my eyes.
It differs. If you are going camping with friends you are scared in the dark because there are a lot of animals that could be dangerous like snacks. If you are at home I see no valid reason to be scared from the dark. This is my routine in life.
I'm scared of the dark only after watching a scary movie. I don't get sleep during those nights without having the lights of my room, on. :p I feel like there's someone around me or there would be a face in front of me if I open my eyes.
If you are not used to watching horror movies, this is what will be happening to you after you have finished watching any kind of horrow movies which is very creepy or where there is too much killing. I watched Scream 6 last time, the way they killed people by stabbing them was scary.
If you are not used to watching horror movies, this is what will be happening to you after you have finished watching any kind of horrow movies which is very creepy or where there is too much killing. I watched Scream 6 last time, the way they killed people by stabbing them was scary.

I don't enjoy watching most horror movies. Any day that I ended up watching one of these movies, I will not be able to sleep deeply as any little noise will make me to stay awake. Even as an adult, I try to avoid horror movies since I don't like to be unease especially at night.
If you are not used to watching horror movies, this is what will be happening to you after you have finished watching any kind of horrow movies which is very creepy or where there is too much killing. I watched Scream 6 last time, the way they killed people by stabbing them was scary.
I remember well this playlist. After watching this I discontinued the series for 6 consecutive months before being back. Also, I have some kind of medical psychologic therapy because I could not get back to normal life rapidly. It is a very damaging personality.
When I was a kid I always used to be scared of the dark, would never sleep without some kind of light or even a TV light on in my bedroom as I never liked it.

Now that I am older, I much prefer to be in the dark when I sleep and even when I have a migraine and it does not bother me anymore like it used to when I was a kid.
I don't enjoy watching most horror movies. Any day that I ended up watching one of these movies, I will not be able to sleep deeply as any little noise will make me to stay awake. Even as an adult, I try to avoid horror movies since I don't like to be unease especially at night.
I know so many people who avoid watching horror movies, TV shows and also playing horror video games because they can't stand the horror scenes in those contents. I have never had any problems with horror movies, TV shows or video games from my childhood, in fact I enjoy it very well.
I used to just not be able to be in the dark alone with someone, but now I don't have that much fear. I will not say that it is 0, but it is 90 percent less than in childhood. I think in a couple of years it will disappear altogether. But I try not to watch horror videos or movies because it can come back at any moment
If I'm not afraid of what they acted in both horror movies and TV shows, being afraid of the dark will not have any effects on me. I have seen a lot of worst things in horror movies and TV shows, this have made me to be so accustomed to the dark.
I'm not afraid of the dark now but I used to be when I was a kid. How can I not be afraid of the dark when even my siblings added to it by making me believed in the boogeyman.
I am not scared of dark, even when I was a kid I was not afraid of darkness, my only fear was the bugs that could bite me. These days my only concerns with darkness, especially when I am in the alley is getting robbed. A lot of bad things happen in the darkness and my fear is related to bad things, not the darkness.
I have watched in so many movies where people are robbed in dark alleys which have made it a kind of a security conscious lesson for me to avoid walking through any kind of dark alley because someone might be lurking in the dark without my knowledge and the person would end up either hurting me or robbing me.