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Are you a sole earner of your family?



Apr 30, 2024
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Yes, I am. I always wanted my wife to look after the house and kids, and she is doing her work well. I get a good salary from my offline regular job, so I never need to ask her to do a job. I have seen that both the couple work to earn money, and it's hard for them to look after the kids. Are you the sole earner in the family? If you are not married, would you like your wife to work to earn money?
I am not married yet, so I am not the sole earner. I completely understand your choice, but What about your wife though, is she okay with not working?
Yes, she is. She is happy in her world. She has her own wish , I have never restricted her. She can do a job , it's her wish.
That's really nice then. The most important thing is that the both of you are happy, notting else matters besides that.
Absolutely; that's what's important in life. We should be happy with what we have. There's no way to earn money without sacrificing time to spend with family. It's hard for a wife to work outside and then look after the kids and home.
Absolutely; that's what's important in life. We should be happy with what we have. There's no way to earn money without sacrificing time to spend with family. It's hard for a wife to work outside and then look after the kids and home.
I completely agree with this, making money and running a family is not an easy task, a lot of sacrifices and time management is needed to scale through.
I have seen my sister-in-law, who used to work for a multinational company here and had a good salary, but when she saw the kids were not doing well in academics, she decided to quit her job and started looking after the kids and home. My brother has his own business, and now that the kids are settled, she assists my brother in his business.
I am single and the three of us at home, I and my two sisters have work. I work at the university; my sister in the bank as a bank teller, and the other one has a canteen in school , her hubby is a seaman but I was their breadwinner before they got a job and business
And now when they all do work and earn, still they live with you? It's good to stay with your siblings in the same building.
And now when they all do work and earn, still they live with you? It's good to stay with your siblings in the same building.
Yes, my sister live with me. It is my invitation because I cannot live alone. There are 6 bedrooms at home and my home may become dull without them. My bank teller sister is still single and my sister who is married has no kid yet. How happy we would be if there is a kid at home,
I am a sole earner for myself because I am not yet married. I don't have anyone to support. But I am busy working and earning solely to build a strong and comfortable life for my family when they come in future.
Being a sole earner in the family is crucial but with faith and determination you can do the impossible just to give your family the essential needs especially food and education. Most fathers are the solo earners. I salute the fathers who work solo. Lucky if the wife also has a work.
It's never easy being the sole earner @Scorpion the amount of pressure you pass through from time to time is something else, but you just have to keep pushing since you know there are people looking up to you.
It's never easy being the sole earner @Scorpion the amount of pressure you pass through from time to time is something else, but you just have to keep pushing since you know there are people looking up to you.
That's true, I experienced being the bread winner of my two sisters when they got no job. I was able to provide my elder sisters good food, paying the bills, giving them allowance and more. It was not easy for me being a newly hired employee. I was hired the next day after graduation. I agree that everything happens for a reason. They have now good jobs.