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Are there many elderly people living in your area? When do you see them?



Mar 23, 2024
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We have many elderly people in our neighborhood and almost all have decent health and they all like to exercise, walk and do yoga daily.

Are there many elderly people living in your area? When do you see them?
I'm an elderly person and so are 2 of my neighbours.
Yes there are many elderly people in my neighborhood and they mostly like to sit outside their house and notice everyone who is roaming outside.
We have many elderly people in our neighborhood and almost all have decent health and they all like to exercise, walk and do yoga daily.

Are there many elderly people living in your area? When do you see them?
Actually no because we living in a city were no one cares about the other but I wish I could live with elderly people were they will be advising in such living life.
Not all elderly people are good at giving advice. They can be moody or rude too.
Elderly people are part of our society. My father is old and is 80 years of age now. I see most of them in the morning when they go for the morning walk and do exercise in the park.