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Debate Are rural areas being written out of western television?


Is this a good or bad thing? Are people afraid of shows that aren't squeaky clean and/or have them face up to things they aren't comfortable with?
Or maybe because the shows aren't that good enough to begin with? I don't live in America so I don't know the cause, but do those people the areas actually watch them? That might be the clue to finding the answer.
It's also possible that these kind of shows are not generating enough buzz or traffic for them. Haven't been able to watch the video you added to, am having bad network. I guess it's due to the rain.
Low traffic could be the cause too. Maybe they are not making much from such shows so they have to abolish them.
It seems that rural areas are not as prominently featured in Western television as urban settings. This could be due to a variety of factors, including the media's focus on urban demographics and the appeal of city life. However, there are still shows that celebrate rural living and its unique challenges and charms, so it's not entirely absent from the screen.
It is not entirely absent from the screen, but the issue is that it doesn't get as much recognition as the Urban areas. And to be honest, that is understandable because of there will be more Media popularity in the city than in the rural areas.

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