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TV Database Archer (2009)

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4.00/5 1 Votes

Genre: Comedy,Action & Adventure,Animation

Director: Adam Reed

First aired:

Last air date:

Show status: Ended

Overview: Sterling Archer is the world's most daunting spy. He works for ISIS, a spy agency run by his mother. In between dealing with his boss and his co-workers - one of whom is his ex-girlfriend - Archer manages to annoy or seduce everyone that crosses his path. His antics are only excusable because at the end of the day, he still somehow always manages to thwart whatever crises was threatening mankind.

Where to watch

Trailer Cast

    • H. Jon Benjamin

      Sterling Archer (voice)
    • Judy Greer

      Cheryl 'Cherlene' Tunt (voice)
    • Amber Nash

      Pam Poovey (voice)
    • Chris Parnell

      Cyril Figgis (voice)
    • Aisha Tyler

      Lana Kane (voice)
    • Lucky Yates

      Dr. Krieger (voice)
Show information in first post provided by The Movie Database
Baby Shower
Season: 5
Episode: 6
Air date: 2014-03-03

Guest stars: Kenny Loggins,Tom Kane,Clancy Brown,Jessy Lynn Martens
Archer decides to give Lana the perfect baby shower gift by forcing Kenny Loggins to sing a duet with Cherlene. Something something Danja Zown!

Yeah, it's a very loose episode that's barely tied to the season arc, but don't really care, because we have KENNY FREAKING LOGGINS AND DANGEEEEER ZOOOONE! And a country version too with Cherlene as the co-singer! It's about goddang time. lmao And what an appropriate season to bring in Loggins too.

Archer trying to impress Lana with the fake present is cute too. It was a very sweet moment, and I'm glad at least in one universe/franchise, the whole "will they/won't they" coupling worked out (looking at you disappointed, Community).

Smugglers' Blues
Season: 5
Episode: 7
Air date: 2014-03-10

Guest stars: Leigh Jackson,Blake Perlman,Tom Kane,Gabriel Romero,Armando Valdes-Kennedy
Archer travels to Columbia on a secret mission that becomes not so secret after he gets drunk.

Pretty standard "Archer and gang get into weird hijinks at exotic locale" episode, but with a Columbine twist sprinkled with cocaine. Not too bad, and Mallory even seem to genuinely feel bad about Archer this time. lol
The Rules of Extraction
Season: 5
Episode: 8
Air date: 2014-03-17

Guest stars: Gabriel Romero,Armando Valdes-Kennedy
Archer, Ray, and Cyril raft down a crocodile-filled river while Lana and Pam plan a spa day for Malory.

RAY: “You think everything’s going to be easy!”
ARCHER: “Well, it almost always is!”
RAY: “Aha! See, that’s what I resent.”
ARCHER: “What do you resent, Ray—my muscly shoulders poking into your tum-tum?”
RAY: “I resent that you never take anything seriously because you always assume everything is going to work out for you!”
ARCHER: “It almost always does! (Cyril sighs.) Case in point!” (Archer gestures to an airstrip in the middle of the jungle.)
RAY: “What the—Goddamnit.”

RAY: “How long will it take you, Archer, to admit that you dick around every time we’re in danger just to screw with everybody, because of your complete—no, your utter contempt for your own mortality?!”
ARCHER (briefly pauses): “I mean, yeah, duh.”
RAY: “All I wanted.”

Obviously, this is Archer at its most meta yet (Adam Reed voices Ray, so think on that), Ray calling out both Archer the character and the show for dragging its feet since the cocaine plot started (and I love Archer's constant desire for returning "phrasing" to its proper use; it has been a while since we've heard it on this show). Archer: Vice, aside from the few exceptional episodes like "House Call", hasn't quite lived up to the hype I heard about so far, but I feel like that has relatively changed with this episode, especially since we had another significant character development here: Mallory genuinely crying about Archer's mortality this episode (and also losing all her coke money and losing Ron). Jessica Walter's performance with Mallory's emotional breakdown got me almost tearing up at the beginning of this episode - that has NEVER happened before on this show for me, EVER. It felt like I walked into the wrong show, but for good reasons.

And while Archer will never grow as a person - that's too boring - it's always nice to see Ray and Cyril calling out on his BS from time to time, with Ray losing his shit.

Also, those are huge-ass caimans. It's practically Lake Placid levels of huge.
On the Carpet
Season: 5
Episode: 9
Air date: 2014-03-24

Guest stars: Christian Slater,Fred Armisen,Tom Kane
Archer avoids crash landing in a dangerous swamp only to come face-to-face with a shady arms dealer.

From drug-dealing to arms-dealing. I guess Archer's just switching theme every season or mid-season now. I guess it wouldn't be as funny if Mallory's scheme to sell truckloads of coke had actually worked out, much like if Ron Cadillac had agreed to being with Mallory again without stating that it'd be an open marriage.

The editing is the better part of this episode over the writing though, throwing back to Archer's strength of tight editing that segue from one joke to another.
Palace Intrigue (1)
Season: 5
Episode: 10
Air date: 2014-03-31

Guest stars: Fred Armisen,Lauren Cohan,Gabriel Romero
Archer and the rest of the ISIS gang are the guests of Gustavo Calderon and his wife Juliana. Calderon is a big fan of Cherlene but Juliana is a bigger fan of Archer.

You gotta love that Archer uses a plot about arms dealing to make jokes about lack of towels and ice-machines and accidentally sleeping with the wife of the El Presidente.

Also, the long awaited return of PHRASING!

Lana is such a Sheedy. Not that it's a bad thing though. lol I'll take a woman with attitude over a princess any day, especially if it's a psychotic princess like Charlene (so hot though).
Season: 5
Episode: 12
Air date: 2014-04-14

Guest stars: Christian Slater,Fred Armisen,Lauren Cohan,Gary Cole,Leigh Jackson,Gabriel Romero,Leigh Jackson
Cyril becomes the new president of San Marcos, Cherlene becomes the first lady of country music, and Archer becomes a resistance fighter.

Cyril: Well, I guess that settles that! I mean, it's not like we can just waltz into enemy territory and... Well, I certainly can't.
Lana: Can't, or...
Cyril: Both, either, all. They'd shoot me on sight, Lana. And if you want Archer so damn bad, you can go get him your...
( tires squealing ) Huh. I didn't think she'd actually do it.
Malory: Then you're an idiot.
Cyril: Oh, I'M the idiot?
Malory: Yes.

Classic Archer, having the meta writing of using a filibuster plot that involves a literal filibuster to delay the water-breaking till the very end.

Cyril becoming a dictator and letting power go to his head also makes so much sense. Him mouth-raping Juliana Calderon in the forced marriage though? Bad look, even for you, Cyril.

Even though not much important stuff plot-wise happened until the very end, it's one of those "characters do crazy shit while subtly progressing their character" kind of episode, so as Larry David put it, "It's pretty, pretty, pretty good."

Daily Poll: Which universe do you prefer?

  • Marvel

    Votes: 1 25.0%
  • DC

    Votes: 3 75.0%
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