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Debate Adoration of Royalty

I don't really know what to say about this though. For most people they feel these so called royalties do not deserve things like this, but can we really blame them? Imagine your father owning a company, then the staffs sees you enjoying the benefit start saying you do not deserve it. By birth it's your entitlement. So it might be true that most of them lack talent and some might not even deserve it, but by birth it's their right.
I don't really know what to say about this though. For most people they feel these so called royalties do not deserve things like this, but can we really blame them? Imagine your father owning a company, then the staffs sees you enjoying the benefit start saying you do not deserve it. By birth it's your entitlement. So it might be true that most of them lack talent and some might not even deserve it, but by birth it's their right.
Truly they cannot be blamed. They didn't force themselves to born into rich households. Those hating them are just plagued with envy.
Well, going back to what I said in another post, people get unfair things just by being born in a certain country. For instance, people in the Anglosphere generally live in rich countries.
Such is bound to happen. Maybe we can blame our respective countries for failing to provide high quality of life for the citizens, something the developed countries enjoy.
Yes that's true but then again that's life for you, we can't always choose where we are born, but we can choose where we end up.
Very nice, it is up to us to choose where we end up even though we did not choose to be born. So even if we are not born into a wealthy family, it is our responsibility to make sure that a wealthy family comes from us.
Not all royals etc. are bad people. For instance, a lot of people didn't like W. Bush, but I think at the core he was a nice guy. He was just trapped in a political machine. Anyway, compare W. Bush to Trump, for instance. :oops:
I don't know much about W. Bush, but I'm pretty much certain that people really hate Donald Trump!
Not all royals etc. are bad people. For instance, a lot of people didn't like W. Bush, but I think at the core he was a nice guy. He was just trapped in a political machine. Anyway, compare W. Bush to Trump, for instance. :oops:
True not all royals are bad, i guess most people simply fail to see this simply because of their hate for them.
I absolutely detest royalty. But not because of jealousy so don't think it. I come from a political stance. Privilege by birthright is unfair. Wealth, like respect, should be earned. I have no objection to wealth which has been worked for but these parasites have had it handed to them on a gold plate.

To be fair, it's not them as people which is the problem, it's the principle.

And as an Irishwoman (albeit living in Britain), don't expect me to show any deference to the Royal Family.
I absolutely detest royalty. But not because of jealousy so don't think it. I come from a political stance. Privilege by birthright is unfair. Wealth, like respect, should be earned. I have no objection to wealth which has been worked for but these parasites have had it handed to them on a gold plate.

To be fair, it's not them as people which is the problem, it's the principle.

And as an Irishwoman (albeit living in Britain), don't expect me to show any deference to the Royal Family.
Well everyone is entitled to their own opinion though, but what if you where born in a royal family, will you still feel this way?

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