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Debate Abuse is All They Know


Active Contributor

Nov 4, 2023
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A lot people seek out toxic relationships, but others can't understand why. In that case, other folks will try to convince people to dump the relationships, but to no avail. What might be the reason? Is it the thread title?
Some have such low self esteem that they wish to be victims as they feel they deserve nothing more.
Some people have been so used to abuse that they think it is a normal thing now. So it will feel kinda strange to be in an unabusive relationship.
It's unfortunate. But I won't judge them. There are many things that make a person, the kind of upbringing you had, you socio economic background etc. Coming out of any relationship is not easy. Some people have gone through so much in their lives that they don't realise that they are actually going through abuse. They get used to it.
It's unfortunate. But I won't judge them. There are many things that make a person, the kind of upbringing you had, you socio economic background etc. Coming out of any relationship is not easy. Some people have gone through so much in their lives that they don't realise that they are actually going through abuse. They get used to it.
You are so on point. But they still have to learn to walk away from abuse, for the sake of their mental health.
There are actually various reasons as to why so many people still remain in these abusive and toxic relationships. For some. They have low self esteem, while others see themselves as not good enough to go out there and get someone better.
You are so on point. But they still have to learn to walk away from abuse, for the sake of their mental health.
Yes, they should. But they have to first have the courage to do so. They go through so much that they have a shattered self esteem and self confidence. Taking such decisions need that. Sometimes they are not financially independent and have no other financial support than the abusive spouse. Life is not fair and square. People have to go through such terrible situations.
Yes, they should. But they have to first have the courage to do so. They go through so much that they have a shattered self esteem and self confidence. Taking such decisions need that. Sometimes they are not financially independent and have no other financial support than the abusive spouse. Life is not fair and square. People have to go through such terrible situations.
Another perspective, maybe they are dependent on the abusive partner so they have no where to go if they decide to walk out of the relationship.
@Teegold . Human psychology and behaviour stays a mystery. It is very complicated and you will see all these amazing perspectives when you meet more and more people.
Another perspective, maybe they are dependent on the abusive partner so they have no where to go if they decide to walk out of the relationship.
Yes this is also another possible reason. So because they have no where else to go, they just remain and keep on taking all the abuses.
Yes this is also another possible reason. So because they have no where else to go, they just remain and keep on taking all the abuses.
That's a sad life. Nothing good will come out of staying, but they don't realize that.
That's a sad life. Nothing good will come out of staying, but they don't realize that.
They might even realise it but are not able to take a decisive step. There might be many reasons behind it including their own self esteem and self confidence.
They might even realise it but are not able to take a decisive step. There might be many reasons behind it including their own self esteem and self confidence.
Facts. Even though they know the should leave, but for some reason, they just can't.
They might even realise it but are not able to take a decisive step. There might be many reasons behind it including their own self esteem and self confidence.
Most people who are in relationships like this, their self esteem has been completely killed hence they can't even leave even if they want to.
The abusive relationship can totally shatter your soul. You are broken deep inside and your self esteem is crushed. One also looses faith and trust in anyone after that. It is very tough to restore oneself and take a tough decision to come out and move
The abusive relationship can totally shatter your soul. You are broken deep inside and your self esteem is crushed. One also looses faith and trust in anyone after that. It is very tough to restore oneself and take a tough decision to come out and move
And the effect from abuse relationship can make one lose faith in any kind of relationship they may come across in the future.
And the effect from abuse relationship can make one lose faith in any kind of relationship they may come across in the future.
Yes, very true. It's not only with the one directly involved in the relationship, it can be for one who has witnessed it too as tender mind. Children from abusive marriage and families ( shown from a study) have trust issues in their own relationship later.
Yes, very true. It's not only with the one directly involved in the relationship, it can be for one who has witnessed it too as tender mind. Children from abusive marriage and families ( shown from a study) have trust issues in their own relationship later.
I wonder what can be done to mitigate this? Abusive families are actually the first cause of kids having low self worth and trust issues. It is worse than we think.
I wonder what can be done to mitigate this? Abusive families are actually the first cause of kids having low self worth and trust issues. It is worse than we think.
They need professional help and therapy. Unfortunately, many are not aware of it. And some don't have access to it due to various reasons. I get children like that in my therapy sessions. And some of them have overcome the childhood trauma and became confident adults.
They need professional help and therapy. Unfortunately, many are not aware of it. And some don't have access to it due to various reasons. I get children like that in my therapy sessions. And some of them have overcome the childhood trauma and became confident adults.
Trust me, those kids that overcome those childhood traumas and build their confidence are the real winners!

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