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10 years from now?

What do you imagine yourself doing ten years from now?

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I cannot see myself one year ahead, let along seeing myself 10 years from now. Possibly, I will be doing the same thing that I am doing, I will be living in the same house that I am living (unless the land load evicts me). The only difference would be my kids will be little older, I will be litter older and I might not work as much as I can these days
I cannot see myself one year ahead, let along seeing myself 10 years from now. Possibly, I will be doing the same thing that I am doing, I will be living in the same house that I am living (unless the land load evicts me). The only difference would be my kids will be little older, I will be litter older and I might not work as much as I can these days

It's good to work with what you know and not base many things on an unknown expectations. This is what usually leave a lot of people disappointed because what they had really hoped on never came to be achieved. Life is one step at a time.
10 years seems like it's far but in truth, it's not when you're into something which takes your time. It's like the year passes by and the next year is around the corner, 10 years isn't long as most people think.
This is true because I even understand that recently I planned what I would do in 2024 and time flew by so quickly that I didn't have time to realize and I didn't do anything of what I planned. However, now I have more realistic and specific goals
I don't think, like most people, that I will be successful for too many years or that everything will change a lot, but I think that it would be good if everything stayed the same as it is now, although even so I don't think that will happen and that's why I have a certain sadness before the future which is difficult to overcome
Having a more realistic and specific goals will make it possible for you to achieve those goals. The problem with some people is that they are too greedy which makes them to set goals which are not realistic. Greed is a very big human problem or flaw. If it's addressed, it puts you in a bad situation.
Of course, because at the moment when a person makes plans, he can be very motivated and think that he will easily fulfill it, but in such moments you cannot do this because when you see the goals again in a month, they will seem unrealistic to you and you will simply give up

Daily Poll: What’s the best breakfast food?

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