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  • We have now changed the post count rule to post your website in the Website Directory and the Member Showcase to 10, this was previously 50 but we felt it was too high. You can read more about this change here >>> https://discussionhub.net/threads/update-of-rules-for-the-member-showcase.4356/

Search results

  1. Ravenfreak

    American Handball

    Has anyone ever played American handball before? It's different from international handball since in this sport you have to bounce a small ball against a wall and your opponent can't bounce it the same way. You also cannot let the ball bounce on the ground twice or go out of bounds. I remember...
  2. Ravenfreak

    Gaming Do you still own a Wii?

    As the title asks do you still own a Wii? You'd be surprised that there's probably still people who own a Wii and like to get it hooked up during the Holidays when family is over. I watch this Youtuber called JacobR who gets old consoles and he picked up a huge lot of wiis recently. A few of the...
  3. Ravenfreak

    Gaming Turok

    Are there any fans of the Turok series here? Turok 2 Seeds of Evil was the first game in the series that I played on my N64 when I was 12 years old. My favorite game in the series just got a remaster, it was released last month. So now you can play remasters of Turok 1, 2, and 3. I'm not sure if...
  4. Ravenfreak


    Does anyone here use Guilded instead of Discord? I really like Guilded, it's much more organized than Discord is plus they offer everything for free. Want bigger emotes? You don't have to pay a cent to get them, whereas on Discord you have to pay for Nitro. Plus Guilded offers a calendar, which...
  5. Ravenfreak

    Music Men I Trust

    Are there any other fans of the indie band Men I Trust? Their earlier stuff was more house music like, but now their music is more dream pop than anything. I love listening to their music, it helps calm me down after a long, stressful day at work. Plus I enjoy listening to their music while...
  6. Ravenfreak

    Zippy Promotion

    Finally the time has come to reveal my newest community, Zippy Promotion! Using the latest version of MyBB, Zippy Promotion is a quick and easy way to promote your websites and other projects! Best of all it's completely free of charge, and there are no post requirements! You also don't have to...
  7. Ravenfreak

    Gaming Sonic the Hedgehog

    Sonic the Hedgehog is my all time favorite gaming franchise. It was the very first video game I ever played as a kid, and I still love the blue blur. Sonic 3 and Knuckles is still my favorite video game of all time. Other games I like in the series are Sonic Adventure, all the other Genesis...
  8. Ravenfreak

    Solved Top Posters Plugin

    Hey I was wondering if you guys could add the top posters/top thread creators plugin. I think it'd be cool to see who's on top every month. :D
  9. Ravenfreak

    Gaming What's the oldest game console you currently own?

    So what's the oldest game console you currently own? Does the console still work? The oldest console I have that still works is my model 1 Sega Genesis! I got it from a friend when I was younger since I traded my original NES for it. The NES wasn't working right anyways, and his dad thought he...
  10. Ravenfreak

    Do you jog?

    Jogging is a great way to stay in shape and it's always good to get some cardio in. Do you enjoy jogging and if you do when do you typically like to jog? I personally don't like to jog but I do enjoy going for a walk here and there. I'd prefer to walk during the evening when it's not as hot...
  11. Ravenfreak

    Gaming Pokemon Thread

    Pokemon is my second favorite gaming franchise. I've been a fan of the series since I was 9 years old! My best friend got me into the series and games by first watching the anime, then he gave me some cards, and finally gave me a old brick Gameboy with a copy of Yellow version. I had to give him...
  12. Ravenfreak

    Music Do you like instrumental music?

    I enjoy listening to instrumental music all the time! My favorite genres of music are synthwave and video game music which both are usually instrumental. Heck I even enjoy listening to the weather channel music lol. When I was younger I would turn on the weather channel just so I could hear the...
  13. Ravenfreak

    What hosting are you using for your projects?

    There's many different hosts out there, and perhaps someone reading this thread right now is trying to figure out what the best host is for their needs and may want to get some ideas by reading the responses in this thread. Anyways I currently use ionos for my projects, they had a deal where the...
  14. Ravenfreak

    Do you have to have the latest gadgets?

    Are you a person that has to have the latest gadgets or do you prefer to wait until the time is right to upgrade your phone or computer? I've had my iPhone XR for two years now and I don't really see myself upgrading until my phone starts acting up. I don't mind waiting to upgrade, since if you...
  15. Ravenfreak

    Movies Are you a fan of the Saw series?

    I know Saw isn't for everyone, it's very gory however it's one of my favorite horror film franchises of all time. I remember when the first one came out, I was a Freshman in High School and I didn't get to watch the first film until I was around 20 or 21. My spouse and I both enjoy this series...
  16. Ravenfreak

    Introductions Hey I'm Ravenfreak!

    Greetings everyone my name is Ravenfreak! I'm a 33 year old guy who enjoys playing video games, listening to music, programming from time to time and I also enjoy watching cartoons. My favorite gaming franchise is Sonic the Hedgehog, and I also love Pokemon and Mega Man. My favorite cartoon of...
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