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News Yemen’s Houthis declare war on Israel

And so begins WW3.
Anyone thinking other Muslim countries may get involved and attack Israel anytime soon? After all, Quran has a prophesy they will wage a war against jews so, this might be it. Around the world people write on the stores "No jews allowed" same as it was in NAZI Germany.
Anyone thinking other Muslim countries may get involved and attack Israel anytime soon? After all, Quran has a prophesy they will wage a war against jews so, this might be it. Around the world people write on the stores "No jews allowed" same as it was in NAZI Germany.
I don't know who is next to join, but religious wars are worst that the ones for power.
It's becoming bad as the NAZI era and it might get worst than that.
The sad part is that actually Israel is led by zionists and not quite by jews. Zionists hate jews and innocent will die, which is clearly what they want. There are plenty of photos where those same zionists took photos with prominent political figures including presidents of USA and Russia. All of these conflicts are controlled in a way. And that's probably the scary part. Pyke spoke of this plan 150 years ago. He land plans and foundation for 3 world wars of which two had happened. This is nothing but continuation of plan. Middle East is the beginning of the ww3. Now, this may sound like conspiracy theory and that's all good.

But, the more you read who is who, who owns what company, who is involved in what, who is married to who, you start to connect dots and come to a conclusion this is a real deal and not a theory. When people analyzed media owners, they traced all the way back to only 7 people. Can you imagine that? 7 people control what we will watch and what the truth is.
@The V I believe you, I am not a believer of conspiracy theories, but when you start adding your own dots as you say, This is not a theory, these are facts.
Albert Pike wrote to Giuseppe Mazzini in 1871 regarding a conspiracy involving 3 world wars, that were planned in an attempt to take over the world. Pike letter was on display in British Museum Library until 1977. British Library denies the letter exists.

Surely, they deny this xD

And may I add this, the idea is to go for one global government with a full control of people. You can see how nowdays Blackrock owns almost everything in the world. Of course, people are too lazy to read and find: https://stockzoa.com/fund/blackrock/
Just check that wild list of companies.

They control the food and the drink. GMO seed is made in such way that you can use it once and afterwards you must buy a new one (from them). If you refuse to be a slave of the system you can't make money = you die. This is so elaborate plan that you must admire even it is an evil one. Patience was all it took. How to make people accept one government? Well of course, fear. You get ww3, people are scared for their lives, they want this to end, they want peace and voila, a savior appears, a one government, no more conflicts in the world, a perfect society. Sounds too good to be true? Sure it does.
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They control the food and the drink. GMO seed is made in such way that you can use it once and afterwards you must buy a new one (from them). If you refuse to be a slave of the system you can't make money = you die. This is so elaborate plan that you must admire even it is an evil one. Patience was all it took. How to make people accept one government? Well of course, fear. You get ww3, people are scared for their lives, they want this to end, they want peace and voila, a savior appears, a one government, no more conflicts in the world, a perfect society. Sounds too good to be true? Sure it does.
I can't agree more on that.
I think it is important to note that Yemen has not declared war on Israel. Yemen’s Houthis, which is a group similar to and allies of Hamas, have declared war on Israel. I have updated the title and OP to reflect this.

It’s certainly an interesting turn of events but it isn’t another country’s government so it’s largely insignificant in relation to a potential WW3.
I think it is important to note that Yemen has not declared war on Israel. Yemen’s Houthis, which is a group similar to and allies of Hamas, have declared war on Israel. I have updated the title and OP to reflect this.

It’s certainly an interesting turn of events but it isn’t another country’s government so it’s largely insignificant in relation to a potential WW3.
Good update of title.