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Would you rather visit a beach or a pool?



Sep 23, 2023
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Summer is close now and with that comes trips to the beach and even to pools.

Depending on what you prefer which would you rather do?

Visit the beach or go to a pool?
Both choices involve being around lots of loud people, nothing there that I would enjoy. But if I had to choose one it would be the beach. At least with a beach there is a chance that you could find a secluded spot somewhere.
To be honest I would rather be in bed all day watching an anime or playing some games. Hehe I don't like stressing myself in going out to be honest.
Whenever I have the option to choose either natural or artificial, I will choose to go for the natural one. I prefer going to a beach instead of pools, but beaches are not as easily accessible in my area compared to pools, that's why I go to pools more.
I’d rather visit a pool than the beach. I haven’t been to the beach in years and I don’t like swimming in salt water. I like swimming in a pool.
I love using swimming pool to beach the beach we had here there is always problems and violent so swimming pool is the best option
I prefer the swimming pool because I feel that it is much more cleaner and less crowded compared to the beach.
That's a tough choice. they both have their own unique appeals! I think if I had to choose, I'd say I generally prefer going to the beach. There's something so tranquil and restorative about the sound of the waves, the feel of the sand between my toes, and the vast openness of the ocean horizon. the beach just has a special magic for me.
I would choose the swimming pool, because all the times when I visited the sea, the water was always not clean and there were also many people, and the beach was not always clean and pleasant. For example, I had to lie on a stone and it was not pleasant, so I would rather choose a pool to lie under an umbrella on a comfortable deck chair
I rather visit pool than beach because I like to swim very well and it's just my wish
I would rather visit the beach, but if there weren't too many people there because it's not comfortable, at such moments I would feel like I was in the subway. I would even like to go to a private beach and maybe even pay to have as few people as possible
I would rather go to a beach. I would feel more secure there knowing that the water has not been contaminated like that of the pool that people pee inside and it doesn't run off.
I prefer going to the beach rather than pool because relaxing on the beach tends to be different in other place's
I would like to go to a sea but that is difficult for me because I live in a plain area where we don't have sea. To enjoy my time , we go to the mountains for few days. It's so relaxing to visit there once a week.
The beach always have so many mess around with too much crowd and I don't like being in such places. It's why I love being in private pools where I know that it's only me or just few people with clean water to enjoy.
I used to visit a distant pool at home when I was a university student but this time I seldom visit a pool especially during summer with friends because we already have a swimming pool at home. Some of my friends come to our house to relax on our swimming pool at home..I also live near beaches,.