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Would you rather own or rent your house?

One of the major projects that I sincerely desire to undertake is to start developing my own property. I am living in a rented apartment but the reason I can't get married is because I don't have a house of my own. It is one of the achievements I had set myself as a criteria before getting married because I don't want to bear the burden of paying rents when I am raising a family.
It's a cool intention, but I think it's not so bad to live in a rented apartment. I wouldn't mind because it's easier to pay rent together with my wife. Also, at any moment, we can move to a better one. However, over the years, I think I will want to stay in one place and in my own house
If I have the resources, I would rather own my own house and even build another one I can rent out to others rather than renting for myself. The money I would pay for rent can be used for other things.
I don't think there's anyone that would want to live in a rented apartment all of his life. I want to own my own house instead of being a tenant subject to rules and regulations of a landlord.
As a tenant I have gotten tired of landlord problems, so I have resolved to own my own house now. Whether I buy one or build from scratch will be decided.
Personally, I would prefer to own my own home rather than rent. While renting offers more flexibility, I find the idea of building equity and having a place that is truly my own very appealing. Owning a home provides a greater sense of stability and control over my living situation. I believe the benefits of owning outweigh the advantages of renting for my lifestyle and long-term goals.
As a tenant I have gotten tired of landlord problems, so I have resolved to own my own house now. Whether I buy one or build from scratch will be decided.
This is actually the best option honestly, the money you would send on rent, if you are able to own your own house it can be used to go into other investments and do other things as well.
This is actually the best option honestly, the money you would send on rent, if you are able to own your own house it can be used to go into other investments and do other things as well.
Truly there is nothing better than having one's house. You would think that the expenses of building a house is too much, but by the time you do the calculation of how much is being spent on rent yearly, you will realize that it is better to own a house instead.
Well life is all about phases. At first we need to have a rented apartment before we will be able to have our own personal house. But if I had to choose I will have my own house of course. And I am working towards it.
Well life is all about phases. At first we need to have a rented apartment before we will be able to have our own personal house. But if I had to choose I will have my own house of course. And I am working towards it.
That is true, one has to start from somewhere first. But that doesn't stop us from dreaming big. I pray that our wishes of owning our own houses come true sooner than we think.
I am currently living in a rented house and with how things are at the moment, renting is something I prefer over owning my own house.

At the moment, with me renting any repairs that need doing, I know they are covered by the landlord and I only have to worry about ensuring the work is done, if I owned my own house, all those jobs would fall on me costing quite a bit.
There's too much expenses with living in a rented house. Before the month runs out you will be thinking of how to start getting the rent. This was what made my parents to manage and built a place of there own, and I will follow suit too, hopefully.
Unfortunately, I now have to live in a rented house and it is not cool when someone can command the house in which I live, then I would definitely like to have my own
I live in my own house now. I completed it and moved in last year. Before then I was living in a rented apartment all my life. We thank God for progress.
Its not easy to own a house and you need so mych money so at present I am staying in rented apartment.
We are currently renting an apartment with my boyfriend and it is convenient for us because we both work and therefore it is not difficult for us to pay the rent. However, over time, we will definitely want more space, because now the apartment is one-room and we are getting cramped
I live in my own house now. I completed it and moved in last year. Before then I was living in a rented apartment all my life. We thank God for progress.
Wow that is good news! congratulations I'm happy for you. I too hope that at least I'll be able to finish up my house before I get married and begin to have kids. Paying house rent in addition to other expenses is surely a tough task.