Discussion Hub

Discussion Hub is a general discussion community aiming to provide a fun and laidback environment with a touch of old school. We have a diverse memberbase with people from all over the world and tons of content for you to get involved in and share your perspective. We’d love for you to become a part of our awesome community.

Why are there people crazy for love?

That's the point when they start using a person. I have always tried not to get involved in love or affection with people. I don't like people who think from the heart, not from the mind.
I think its hard to think and act with our mind only as many times our heart does overtake our mind
Those people crazy for love lack self-control. They are tolerating their hidden desires without thinking the consequences of their moves.
I make sure that I am in control even when I am supposed to be crazy in love. When you start being crazy in love, you put yourself out there to be deeply shattered if the love goes south.