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Why are there people crazy for love?



Mar 18, 2024
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I always see on Facebook my friends who look like a fool chasing a wrong love. They're dumb. Love is a mystery. People's fascination with love can be quite intriguing, right? Love has this magical way of making us feel loved, connected, and understood. It can be a powerful transformative experience that brings joy, fulfillment, and a sense of purpose. The intensity of emotions that love brings can sometimes make people feel like they're “crazy” for it, in a beautiful and sometimes chaotic way. Have you ever experienced a moment where love made you feel like you were a bit “crazy “for it too?
The truth of the matter is that love makes you do crazy things. Especially when it's still new. People usually find it hard to control themselves.
The truth of the matter is that love makes you do crazy things. Especially when it's still new. People usually find it hard to control themselves.
Agree, almost all of us feel and act that way. We never care what people say. What we are after is our happiness. Though we feel dumb but the time comes we realize our wrong feelings.
These days most are crazy because of LUST and pure love exist in a very small percentage of people
It is mostly ladies that are crazy for love. Their hearts easily magnetize for someone and they can go the extra mile for such person. I have passed that stage of being crazy for love.
Agree, almost all of us feel and act that way. We never care what people say. What we are after is our happiness. Though we feel dumb but the time comes we realize our wrong feelings.
Yea we tend to let our emotions get the best of us.
Yea we tend to let our emotions get the best of us.
Some people are tolerating their wrong feelings. Despite no love in return by the other party, he or she continues hoping, feeling like crazy for love.
There have been some times that I have been crazy for love, I can do everything for my boyfriend. We can try new things even those things I detest doing when I am single.

Nowadays, I don't do that again, I make sure that my mind and brain are in check before I fall in love.
This shows the immaturity. People who are mature don't get blind in love. They understand a person fully before falling in love with that person. I have never believed in love.
Some people are tolerating their wrong feelings. Despite no love in return by the other party, he or she continues hoping, feeling like crazy for love.
True, because of the love they have for these persons, they tend to believe these people will change overtime.
True, because of the love they have for these persons, they tend to believe these people will change overtime.
What makes some people crazy for love is the physical attraction of the person, not the inner beauty that most people are after of .
True, because of the love they have for these persons, they tend to believe these people will change overtime.

There are people in the world who easily fall in love with people without knowing about them. For them, love is blind, but for mature people, love is never blind. They always know the person fully and then deepen the relationship, but there are still instances where they get duped by that person.
There are people in the world who easily fall in love with people without knowing about them. For them, love is blind, but for mature people, love is never blind. They always know the person fully and then deepen the relationship, but there are still instances where they get duped by that person.
Yes they might be attracted to them at first sight but before they fully go into a relationship, they tend take time to know more about the person then decide if they can go into a relationship or not.
I guess people don't like to wait now and have zero patience now so they are in hurry to achieve each and everything in life
Yes they might be attracted to them at first sight but before they fully go into a relationship, they tend take time to know more about the person then decide if they can go into a relationship or not.

We should not fall in love in hurry and should not trust a person blindly. It's better to give time to the relationship than to repent afterwards.
We should not fall in love in hurry and should not trust a person blindly. It's better to give time to the relationship than to repent afterwards.
Exactly, but most times we can't really control our emotions. There are cases where one might fall for another person even before they realize this.
That's the main thing. We should learn to control our emotions specially the love and affection towards a person.
That's the main thing. We should learn to control our emotions specially the love and affection towards a person.
Yes this would prevent people using us for granted or treating us wrongly simply due to how much you care about them.
Yes this would prevent people using us for granted or treating us wrongly simply due to how much you care about them.

Yes, this will definitely prevent them to get used by the people. Many people have the habit of trapping people in their love and using them for their benefits.
Yes, this will definitely prevent them to get used by the people. Many people have the habit of trapping people in their love and using them for their benefits.
Exactly, especially when they know you like them more than they like you.